Sugar part 1 (Diluc/Venti)

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Modern AU (Prices are based on those in game.)


"Purple rose dating agency, Lisa Minci, how may I help you?", resting her feet on her desk, shoes nowhere to be found, Lisa took another call. She laughed when she heard the voice and name on the other side, despite all these years, she still knew them well.
"Ah I never expected you to call me, sweetheart~.... .... ....oh don't be like that, it's not me without the tell me Diluc, what are you looking for?", Lisa still smiled overly amused, eagerly listening to the things Diluc told her taciturnly.
"I see, I see. Well, you've come to the right place, dear. I'm going to create a file for you right away~", she said already taking notes to put them into a file as soon as she would be in the mood to do so.
"Once a month I'm throwing a party, there you could get to know everyone but guess that wouldn't be so convenient for you? ...ehuh, thought so. Do you want me to choose someone for you?.... ... ... will do, don't worry, I will remember to inform them in detail. Is it okay with you if I just pass your number on then? ... .... ... Okay. Same preferences as before, love?....It was a pleasure to talk to you and don't forget to visit me someday~", Lisa didn't know why, but she already had two people in mind when she ended the call.

Calling the first one, the one that could perfectly implement Diluc's request, she waited for him to take the video call, something that always took a little longer as she knew.
"Good morning dear. Hope you had a restful night? Well, I've got a new assignment  that I wanted to discuss with you.", she said as soon as she saw the dark-haired one on the other side, but before he even opened his mouth she heard a loud 'no' from somewhere in the room. Just a second later, a head full of tousled orange hair appeared in the picture, a face she knew too well by now.
"You're with me, you cannot agree to meet someone else."
"You are aware that this agreement in no way implies that it is excluded-"
"Yeah I know...but no. Still just no."
Lisa just watched them quietly for a hot minute and chuckled when she saw the two of them looking at each other, dissatisfied and yet very affectionate.
"..I don't know if this is still a relationship within the framework of my agency, dear. But who am I to judge ~ Well, I'll contact someone else, but Ajax?", she said and waited until he nodded still a little displeased.
"I'm increasing your membership fee."

As soon as she had ended the call, she was already waiting for her second choice to pick up.
"Mornin', what's in store for today?", the younger looking man asked when Lisa showed up on his screen.
"Good morning sweetheart. I got a new assignment I wanted to discuss with you."
"I'm listening~"
"Well, he is actually an old friend of mine and needs company for business events. I honestly don't know why, he was never interested in something like that, but apparently special circumstances, which he did not tell me about, require that someone pretends to be in a relationship with him. Before you answer, let me tell you that he can be a little special. A bit bad-tempered, not angry, just moody.",
"Ehuh...All I have to do is pretend I'm his boyfriend?"
"Yes, exactly. And to behave accordingly when you accompany him. So no joking around, sweetie."
"Oww...boring~..hehe ok, ok, got it. But tell me more about him now, will you?"
"Look at the name on you bottle there on the table."
"The wine? From the Dawn Winery?"
"That's him, love."
"Ohhh.. ... ....ehehehe.....awesome~ Ok, I'm in. Send me his number, will you?"
"No further questions?"
"Nope! Surprise me~"
"All right, I'll send it to you in a moment. Venti? It will be quite a challenge, just that you know."
Venti just nodded with a bright grin, willing to make the best of the situation. He didn't have to know much, that the man was rich and owning the Dawn Winery was enough to motivate him.


Unknown number
Hi, Lisa gave me your number.
Just tell me when to meet :3

Unknown number
Did she inform you what
I will pay you for?

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