Agreement part 2 (Zhongli/Childe)

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Part 2 of 2

At their first, second, third  and fourth meeting, it seemed that there was no progress no matter how hard Childe tried. Most things he tried didn't seem to have an effect on the other, except for the one moment when he bought a weird glittering stone for Zhongli. The smile he got for it in return nearly caused him to go into cardiac arrest, but he had to come up with something. After all, he wanted to fuck the handsome man, not marry him even if the thought didn't feel too bad even if he didn't really think about it. Of course he had noticed that Zhongli had been much more approachable in the nightclub back then, but he didn't know if it was the wine, the tasks or both and he could hardly put Zhongli under the influence of alcohol on a daily basis.
Looking at him as they walked along the harbor, Childe wondered if there was any way to convince the other. He sighed unconsciously, almost a little demotivated. If he wouldn't be the man he is, he would just give up by now. After all, that was a lot of effort for a hoped-for one night stand.

"Is there anything bothering you? You are noticeably silent today.", Zhongli asked after he heard the ginger sigh, looking at him with almost no expression.
"Huh?.. Ah no, just thought about something.", Childe replied emotionless, he clearly wouldn't tell him what he had been thinking about but Zhongli wasn't stupid. There may be social things he didn't quite understand if he did them himself, but years of watching others helped him to recognize what someone else might be feeling, at least if he was aware of the situation. He hadn't been when it came to Azhdaha, but he was when it came to Childe.
While they were both silent about details that were too personal, Childe had tried very hard when it came to everything else. He had been very generous, always trying to find something that Zhongli would like. Childe had offered a lot but didn't get much in return. Of course, that wasn't part of their agreement, Zhongli had simply agreed not to refuse, but he didn't like this unbalanced relationship. The offer of both sides of a contract should be equivalent, not unilateral.

"Would you prefer to do something different the next time we meet? I may have a suggestion.", Zhongli said after what felt like an eternity of silence.
"..uh..yeah, sure. What is it?", Childe asked a little startled. He had put so much effort into thinking about the activities Zhongli could like and now he wanted to do something else? The ginger almost felt a little hurt, but at least as curious.
"I remember Ningguang once told me that she had visited a thermal bath with Beidou. I have to admit that I've never been to such a place. Would you be interested in accompanying me there?"
A thermal bath. In the first second Childe couldn't have imagined anything more boring, he was on the verge of refusing until he remembered what the whole thing would mean. Water, swimwear, naked skin... when he noticed that he couldn't hide his big grin. Sure, he would have preferred to see more of Zhonglis body in bed, but if things went a little faster that way, he'd be the last to say no.
"Sounds great. When? When is it open? Today?", he asked a little too excited, drawing a chuckle out of Zhongli's throat.
"I'm glad you like my suggestion, but we will have to postpone it to the weekend."
"Don't you have a day off today?"
"I do, but I already have an assignment for tonight."
"An assignment?"
"Yes, I was again made aware of my misbehavior in a two-hour phone call and I will meet with Azhdaha to rectify this."
Breathe. Childe had to breathe. Ok, Zhongli wasn't hiding it from him, which was good, especially since he didn't have to tell him. But he met with Azhdaha of all people who would surely think that the meeting was a date. That was bad. No, that was actually the worst. Childe had to breathe a lot to not snap at Zhongli. He had the urge to forbid him to meet the other but he was aware that he had absolutely no right to do so. And actually no reason either. They weren't a couple. No, they weren't even friends, but he couldn't deny how much he hated the thought of Zhongli meeting someone else.
" are a ... very polite person ...  it's ... logical ...that you want to... do that ...great...yes, great.", he answered through closed teeth, hands clenched into fists in his pockets.
"...what are you ..going to do?"
"I will go see him at the nightclub."
" he doesn't know about it?"
"That is to be assumed."
Hearing this, Childe suddenly felt relieved. It wasn't a date with Azhdaha. It wasn't even close to a date and as he assessed Zhongli's approach in this regard, it would rather lead to Azhdaha perhaps giving up. Still, he didn't want to risk that it would somehow end differently.

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