Rest (Xiao/Venti)

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"Worry much eh?...ehehe now you look even older~"
"As far as I know the common people call me handsome. .. But if you have tried to ask if I am worried about something, then yes, I am."
Venti sighed heavily, over-dramatically throwing his hands into the air.
"You're no fun...", he mumbled, sinking onto the ground next to Zhongli.
"So, what's up?"
"I fear that his condition has rather worsened than improved despite the relaxed situation.", Zhongli replied lifting his hand to point down the cliff to where Xiao was sitting.
"The yaksha? Why?"
"Aether reported to me that he doesn't seem to sleep anymore. They were traveling together for a while and despite changing watch shifts, Xiao never slept. Aether also mentioned that he did not eat."
"Not even almond tofu?"
"Not even almond tofu."
"Ohh...", Venti still looked down to where Xiao was sitting, seeming to be worried now. He had always liked the yaksha even if they never really got to know eachother. Of course they had met hundreds of years ago but to meet someone and to know someone are two different pairs of shoes.
"And what are you planning to do?"
"I have already talked to Doctor Baizhu about mood-enhancing medication, but I do not assume that Xiao is easy to convince to take it. In addition, medication is only one component of a possible therapy. I may be one of the few with whom he actually talks, but he is not ready to share his suffering with me either..."
"I see...hmmm....", Venti replied resembling a certain statue thinking hard about a way to help.
"Even if it is incomprehensible to me, Xiao seems to have always liked your music...", Zhongli mentioned after some time, earning a nudge against his arm and a fake angry glare in return.
"And I can't understand why everyone calls you handsome! Ehehe...But do you think it would help?"
"I will only admit that once, but I assume that your cheerful manner, with the knowledge that you can also be serious, could have a positive effect on Xiao. If you don't mind, it would at least be worth trying."
Venti giggled, beaming happily like he had just won a competition. He would've loved to reply anything in return that could've annoyed the other archon, but kept silent and nodded after some time of celebrating his victory.
"Will try, after all, he's cute~", Venti replied and giggled again hearing the deep sigh from Zhongli.


"How to get the yaksha to smile, part 1!"
"If it were possible I would already have a lot of gray hair because of you."
"Ehehe...I have to remember what works and what doesn't~"
"I do not think that this is a common procedure."
"No it's not, it's it? ..ehehehe..."
"I should have eaten you back then."


Sitting on top of the Wangshu Inn, Venti was watching Xiao a few days later. He himself had come to the conclusion that most of his ideas were utter nonsense considering Xiao's personality. He didn't want to meet him as Barbatos, not even as Venti, just as a friend. And you don't become friends overnight, he knew that. He thought about playing a melody to soothe the others mind, but it didn't feel right to just follow him around playing calm tunes. He used to do this often, playing the flute near the water, and Xiao often listened from afar, but at some point he stopped to get near the water to listen. Somehow Venti felt guilty at the thought, should he have noticed that Xiao was worse off?

"Why are you here?", Xiao suddenly asked from behind the bard, looking at him expressionless. He didn't sound as dismissive as always, but neither did he sound inclined.
"Eek!", Venti squeaked, falling backwards in shock but giggled when he looked up at Xiao from below.
"Ahh~ you know, I like to look after my protégés from time to time~", he replied followed by a sweet smile.
"There is something called privacy.", Xiao mumbled glaring at Venti, but turned around to leave him alone again as he at least wasn't a threat.
"Wait! I thought we could spend some time together!"
"Come on, just a few minutes. I've always wanted to spend time with the mighty guardian yaksha~"
"For what purpose?"
"Does everything have to have a purpose? We could just talk. About the good old days or whatever you want. I've brought some wine with me too~"
"I do not like wine."
"Hmm...Then I'll drink the wine while we talk, ok?"
"Then talk."
"And you just wanna stand there?"

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