Validity (Diluc/Albedo)

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Continuation of 'Research';


While Diluc spent his time serving drinks, washing glasses and polishing them, he thought about what had happened a few minutes earlier. Yes, it was probably the most unromantic confession he had ever received, but pretty much the only one that made his heart lose its rhythm. It was new for him to feel like that, but it wasn't uncomfortable. But even when he reciprocated Albedo's feelings and a little voice inside him was already excessively positive, he felt the need to be careful. To go slow. He hadn't had such intense feelings in a long time, at least no good ones, and feared their fragility. Nevertheless he was not averse, not against it, he wanted to try it, just slowly.

Well, in theory it all made sense, but in practice he became increasingly impatient. Waiting for the guests to leave and to be able to close the tavern felt like it took an unbelievably long time today. It was a shame that there were more guests than usual this day, but even if there were more guests, Diluc was able to end work halfway on time. It was already after midnight when he left, he wondered if it was even appropriate to visit Albedo so late, but he also knew that the alchemist was not subject to any normal circadian rhythm. That, and that he saw the blond sitting on the wall near the tavern. Even from a distance he looked absent. He had no notebook or sketch pad in hand, no pen or brush, he just seemed to be staring at the night sky. But did he really look at the stars at all?

The fact that Diluc and Kaeya had climbed up and down the walls of the city as children was certainly an advantage now. The redhead knew every stone ledge, every possibility to get up there faster and more skillfully as if he had taken the long way over the other walls. Well, the Darknight Hero had to be able to live up to his reputation somehow.

"Albedo?", he called his name in calm voice as not to scare him, slowly approaching him as he tried to recognize what exactly Albedo was actually looking at.
"... I'm sorry, I'm not done with the ... oh...Diluc... forgive me, I guess I have just been somewhere else for a moment.", at first the blonde sounded like he was talking to a client, but when he finally looked at the other, he smiled gently and moved his hand as an invitation to join him in sitting on the wall. It was a beautiful view after all. There was something dark in his eyes, something that Diluc had never seen before, something he couldn't explain and something Albedo wouldn't want to talk about. Yet.
"No need to apologize.", accepting that up there on the wall was probably their special place, Diluc sat down next to him and looked at him attentively. He already knew Albedo was sometimes somewhere else, but he had never seen him this absent before.
"Is something bothering you? You talked about something that isn’t finished yet?"
", it's just a series of tests with the traveler that I've been thinking about."
In response to this question, Albedo looked carefully at Diluc now. He had heard something in his voice that he didn't recognize, but found strangely amusing. Thinking about it for a moment, he was able to assign the sound to an emotion based on various factors.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Assuming that I am correct with my assumption, do you feel jealous when I mention that I also do tests with Aether?"
"Would there be a reason to feel that way?"
Albedo chuckled shaking his head a little. The feeling itself was alien to him and although he had read that jealousy was not called a good trait, he found it strangely flattering. At least it seemed to confirm that Diluc actually felt something for him too. Although that was already confirmed some hours ago.
"...I noticed that I have never been to the winery, which is supposed to be your home. Would you mind to take me there?", he asked leaning a bit closer, entwining his fingers with Dilucs as he placed a kiss on his cheek.


Of course, he could have spent his time studying why the Crystalflies seemed to be attracted to the vines, but at that moment, at one o'clock in the morning, there were more interesting things. One more interesting thing. Following Diluc through the winery, Albedo admired the different pieces of art, but most of the time his eyes were glued to the others back. He watched the visible movements of his muscles under his shirt, the way the red hair fell over his shoulders, the dangling of the vision on his hip. Insignificant little things that were able to fascinate the blonde.  Maybe simply because they weren't insignificant to him. 

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