Forever by your side (Tomo/Kazuha)

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おはよう, げんきですか。

As the first place giveaway chapter will be about 20k words long, lemme throw in a different, short one first to show that I'm still alive. I'm trying my best to finally write more again, but ya know, sometimes it's difficult.
I hope you're doing great, see ya <3

Modern AU
Hurt. No comfort. Just pain.
Needed to cry a bit ya know.


"Sorry that I'm so late today.. I had a lot of paperwork to do, but I'm sure you already know that.", greeting his beloved with a smile, the same genuine one like every night and every morning,  Kazuha placed a bag of food on the table and took a seat next to him. Like every evening when they met, he reached out to place a kiss on the other's lips and lingered there for a moment to feel his warmth. Tomo's warmth had always been the most comforting thing for Kazuha, whether he was having a bad day and needed some comfort or not. Always being able to go back there was all he needed to keep going.
"...I hope you do not mind if I eat something first, I just didn't have time report was due today, do you remember?", he already knew that the other wouldn't mind it, on the contrary, he always scolded him when he hadn't eaten all day because he was too busy studying. Kazuha didn't mind it if he didn't eat, most of the time he didn't even notice, it was too important for him to finish his studies well but he was still glad that someone cared for him. knowing that there was someone who cared about him often made him feel warm inside and he wanted to do his best to make them both happy. He was committed to his studies, motivated by the future plans the two had made. Traveling the world together, leaving Inazuma behind to start over somewhere else, he couldn't wait for the day to come when they would go and maybe never come back.
"..I'm glad I decided to do the lecture on modern poetry, I think you were right that my original plan would have been too soporific....Ah...and love from Gorou, we went to the library together this afternoon. Actually he said something else but to be honest I don't remember it anymore, so just greetings....", slipping under the cozy blanket he had left with the blonde a while ago, Kazuha grabbed the bag of food and munched on the fish sandwich he had brought with him. Actually he would have wanted to cook for them tonight, Tomo had always loved the rather simple fish dish that Kazuha called his specialty, but he had forgotten to get the groceries he would've needed. Lately he had just often been very distracted but of course he had messaged Tomo in the afternoon, so he could be sure that he would eat in time because he often ate earlier in the evening. Eating too late was unhealthy anyways, at least that's what his boyfriend often told him when he was on his way back from his training sessions. Kazuha hardly took it into consideration himself, he suffered too much from a completely shifted day-night rhythm, but made sure that Tomo could do what made him happy. To see him happy was the most important thing to him after all.
"The weather was quite nice today, a bit unusual for this time of year but I am not mad about it. When I went for a short walk around noon to clear my head, I could already hear the birds chirping.... It was very quiet, but I can still tell the stories from the south from it. I hope that one day we will travel to these places too, after all it sounds like beautiful landscapes and freedom whenever I listen to them.", he said when he finished eating, put his trash back on the table and snuggled up to Tomo. Luckily the blonde never cared if Kazuha smelled like food, weed, books or shampoo, he loved him no matter what, he always had, even the day they first met a few years ago. It was already late and Tomo was tired, Kazuha could always tell what mood he was in, but it didn't bother him much when he slept early. Whether they were talking, cuddling or just sleeping next to each other, it was enough for him to be close to him.
"...ah..I remember something else, today I was-... no, it's not that important, let's talk about it after we've slept, otherwise I'll just keep you awake and I don't want you to miss out on your well deserves rest.", stretching a little bit again, Kazuha kissed his sleepy, actually already sleeping, boyfriend again and turned to turn off the bedside lamp.
"Sleep well my love. I promise I'll be back here earlier tomorrow."

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