Pictures of us (Childe/Zhongli)

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Dedicated to Wine_Bandages , one of the winners of my giveaway 💕
Hope you'll like it! .... yeah I couldn't stop myself 🙈

☆ supposed to be a Model AU but I dunno what it is 🙈


"...are you even listening to me? I am aware that you have been thinking about quitting lately, but you should at least give it a shot. This time it's not just about you.", Signoras expression wasn't exactly warm when she looked at him from behind her desk, but her voice sounded unusually caring when she tried to get Childe's attention back. Right from the start she had taken the ginger haired boy under her wing, she was almost proud that he had become a halfway tolerable man. She would have loved to call him a good one, but the cut on his lips and the bruise on his cheek wouldn't allow that. He really was a model that didn't try to look perfect all the time, but maybe that was something that made him perfect after all.
"Eh? Would anyone else be on the job too?", putting his feet back on the floor as they had previously been on her desk, Childe finally seemed to listen to her again. For a long time he had lost interest in modeling, he hardly believed that something would change that ever again but was at least curious to find out who it would be in case he would agree to do one more photo shoot.
"Yes, it's an advertising campaign for an internationally successful designer. They'd want you in a wilder role while they booked him as a soft counterpart. You've never worked with him before, but he's well known in Liyue. As far as I know, he had been booked for a campaign for the Dawn Winery, but when there were rumors of a liaison between him and the owner, both agreed on ending the cooperation., I received a photo a few days ago.", motivated to convince Childe to agree as the campaign would bring in a lot of money, the woman waved the photo in front of his face, an expectant expression in her eyes as she watched Childe stare at the picture.
".....p-pretty.......uh... NEVERMIND.. ... when you say campaign, does that mean it's more than one shooting? What exactly is it about?", the ocean blue eyes never left the picture while he talked, it was more than obvious that the dark-haired man in the photo had at least actually made him curious. Childe had worked with many beautiful people, had seen many bodies and faces and had ended in bed with colleagues more than once, but this man had actually made his heart skip a beat. Of course that didn't mean anything to him, even if he agreed it wouldn't be any different than before, but getting more information couldn't hurt, could it?
"Two photo shoots and one video shoot. Well, strictly speaking, first a photo shoot and a video shoot to advertise the new nightwear collection which is planned to be in stores in spring. If the designer is happy with you, there'd be another photo shoot for the new underwear collection too.", it wasn't unusual for Childe to be booked for less dressed campaigns, which was the reason why Signora didn't sound overly enthusiastic either, but this time it sounded a little more exciting than usual for him. The thought of playing around in bed with the dark-haired beauty really didn't sound too bad.
"When and where should it take place?", Childe asked still glancing at the picture of his soon-to-be colleague, apparently more motivated to work again than before.
"According to the plan, he will travel to Snezhnaya next week and the first shooting could take place at the end of the week. A set is being set up for the first photo shoot and the video shoot, and a suite has already been booked for the second shooting in the Grand Zapolarny Hotel. If you do not agree, a replacement has already been sought for you. You should make a quick decision."
"REPLACEMENT?! Oh fuck no! ...Go and tell the other loser that he can queue up. It's a job for me, not for any lousy replacement."
Signora only nodded, unable to hide the pleased smile that graced her lips. She had suspected that the plan might work, just not how well it would actually work.


"...Have you packed winter clothes? Your charger? Your wallet? The tickets?", lifting the luggage out of the trunk of his car, Xiao didn't feel good with the thought of letting Zhongli go on a trip all alone. Of course he knew that the other was older than himself, but he always feared that he would just be snatched away somewhere as he sometimes was a little forgetful and a bit too trusting.
"Yes, I have thought of everything. Thank you for your concerns, but I'm sure I will be fine. ...and as discussed, I will ask one of my colleagues to accompany me into town if possible. You will not have to worry about me.", taking the bag in his own hand, Zhongli leaned a bit closer to hug his friend to say goodbye and turned to enter the airport. They were already a bit late and he didn't want to miss the flight.
"Message me when you arrived at the hotel!", Xiao yelled and waited until he saw the taller man nod before he got back in the car to drive home. He would worry about him no matter what, that was already certain.

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