Wings to fly (Diluc/Venti)

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Dedicated to my dear Kat ♥️ stay strong! I'm always here if you need me!

Does someone else need like a million hours to write a chapter and then wonders why, bc you read it in like 0.01 seconds?


Almost nothing had changed after the mission in Dragonspine. Venti had already feared that, but had somehow still hoped that Diluc would at least be a little more approachable. Maybe he really was. A little bit. A really tiny bit. But definitely not enough for Venti to even think about calling him his boyfriend. Were they even a thing at all?

Venti sighed as he watched Diluc clean some glasses and only half-heartedly listened to the conversation between Rosaria and Kaeya.
"Dare to place a bet?", Rosaria asked, a ominous smile gracing her lips, Kaeya nodded chuckling.
"Who would I be to say no to such a fun-promising opportunity~"
"Who would have thought this evening could turn out to be interesting."
A few minutes later the bets were placed and another bottle of wine emptied.
Maybe Venti should have listened. But since he hadn't done that, he didn't know that the bet would affect him too. And that the rather dangerous duo would cause both chaos and a change.

It took a while, but at some point the evidence of the crime began to show.
Diluc smiled. Quite a lot. When Venti heard him laugh about one of the absolutely not funny jokes of a guest too, he walked closer to the bar, put his arms on the counter and looked at the redhead very closely.
He had the feeling that something was wrong although it was nice to see Diluc smile more often. Now sitting at the bar he just watched the other and hardly noticed that Rosaria and Kaeya had also changed their seats.
For a while it seemed as if Diluc was actually just in a better mood than normal. Just when Venti just wanted to relax again, Diluc suddenly stood opposite him again and looked at him, somehow differently.

"You look cute today.", the redhead said as if it was the most normal thing in the world for him.
"..ehehe..tha-......wait, what?", Venti had blushed a little but just looked at Diluc confused, almost a little worried.
It got worse when the redhead put his hand on Venti's chin to lift his head a bit, leaned in and ... kissed him? In the middle of the tavern? Out of nowhere?
"I said that you look cute today.", he whispered against Venti's lips, a dangerous glint in his fiery eyes.
Venti blushed. Heavily. The all-too-familiar taste on Diluc's lips confused him, but his heart was beating far too fast to concentrate on it.
"Ehuh..Always trying my best to be the cutest bard in town~", he replied jokingly, maybe just to calm himself down again. He was damn old, why did this redhead manage to make him so nervous?
"I would say you are successful with that."

After that Diluc concentrated on his work again and Venti drank more than one cup of wine, again, just to calm down. Apart from that moment before and that he still smiled strangely often, everything seemed to be normal.

"I won. You'll pay.", Rosaria said, this time Venti listened.
"Hmm~ wouldn't say that.", Kaeya replied and chuckled a little.
"He literally kissed him. Do you need more evidence?"
"Wouldn't it be more interesting to see what else happens?", Kaeya asked and earned a slap on the back of his head from Rosaria.
"Admit that you've lost and make yourself useful. Not gonna waste time starring at an empty cup."
"All right, all right~"

Venti observed the two and listened carefully to them. He didn't know what they'd done, but that they'd done something. The longer he thought about it, the clearer it became to him. The taste on Diluc's lips was that of alcohol. No wine, sweeter, but definitely alcohol. Venti jumped up, climbed onto the bar, swung his legs to the other side and stopped Diluc from whatever he was doing.

"You're drunk. That's it.", he stated, a little amused but mostly worried.
"Nonsense. I'm fine. And besides, I already told you not to sit here.", Diluc replied like always but pushed himself between Venti's legs, grabbed him by the hip and lifted him from the bar. That wouldn't have been unusual if he'd just dropped him off, but instead of doing that, he just sat him on the counter on his side of the bar, stayed between his legs and kissed him again. A little more passionate this time. Of course Venti returned the kiss but giggled a little as soon as they broke it again.
"..ehe.. ...yep, you're dru-", before Venti could finish his sentence, Diluc kissed him again, shoving his tongue into his mouth to shut him up. The little surprised squeak that wanted to leave Ventis lips fell silent between their tongues. It felt nice to feel him everywhere in his mouth, everything of him was warm. The red eyes that looked at him when they broke the kiss again were half-lidded and dangerously hungry but it was exciting to see them just focused on him. And only him.

It had been quite some time since someone had last looked at him like that. But even though he was willing to just ignore where they were, Venti knew very well that Diluc would freak out tomorrow if he wouldn't stop him now. The bard slowly wiggled out of Dilucs grip and pushed him away a little, trying to create some space between them. When the redhead was about to growl, Venti pressed his finger to his lips to shush him.
"It's not appropriate to do that in company, Mr. gets-horny-when-drunk~..hehe..", he whispered amused. Perhaps he thought that this was enough to wake something up inside Diluc, but the fact that less than a second later he wasn't sitting on the counter but was dragged out of the tavern and back to the winery convinced him otherwise. Venti giggled most of the time. It was very surprising to see what a little, or maybe a little bit too much, alcohol could do to the ever-dapper redhead.

Venti felt like he hadn't even blinked since they left the tavern and the moment his back slammed onto the satin bedspread of Dilucs way-too-big-for-one-person-bed.

🌶 Censored 🌶

The chatter of the maids in the house was slowly waking the redhead. He groaned in annoyance and a bit of a headache as he opened his eyes.
It took a few seconds before he realized he wasn't alone and even more seconds until he halfway remembered what had happened that night. The bite marks on Venti's neck and bruises on his wrists, that rested on Diluc's chest, were an unpleasant confirmation that his memory was true. It shot a booming pain into his head and let Venti fall harshly back onto the matress again when he sat up rapidly. Drowsy eyes looked at the naked man that now sat on the edge of the bed like he was petrified.

"...mornin'..", Venti mumbled rubbing his eyes, a tired smile on his lips.
"Get out.", the incredibly harsh tone in the other's voice made him wake up faster than he would have liked.
"... huh?", Venti slowly sat up, rubbing the bruises on his wrists, and looked worriedly at Diluc.
"Get out of my house.", his words made the bards heart ache.
"...What's wrong? I..thought...maybe.."
"Whatever you thought is wrong."
Venti sat there in silence for a few seconds, he definetly felt like crying. At some point he slowly crawled out of the bed and gathered up his clothes, but paused for a moment before he got dressed again.
"Diluc....If you really regret it, the night and me, then I'll have to accept that. But listen to me for a moment. I promise to go after that.", Venti, no, Barbatos, sounded a lot more serious than normal.

"Birds have wings to fly. Every day when they open their eyes they know that their wings are there to carry them where they belong. Their muscles set the wings in motion and for a brief moment, for a bit, that is enough to let them soar into the air. But without the wind, they can't make it far. Without the wind, they would never reach the top of a tree or cross the seas. They would just be trapped where they were, even if they might never have gone there willingly.", Barbatos spoke incredibly calmly as he dressed. He wasn't going to explain what he was saying and just snuck out of the room afterwards even if it hurt incredibly.

Venti sighed when he went to the tavern for the fifth day in a row and Diluc wasn't there again. He hadn't seen him since that night and was beginning to really believe that it was over before it started. Charles didn't know where he was, Rosaria was temporarily banned from the house and Kaeya, who didn't obey the ban, was too busy cooling his bloodshot and swollen black eye to care about where Diluc was. Even Albedo, who hadn't even known what he had created the special liquor for, had traces of an encounter with Diluc on his skin.
Somewhat depressed, the bard went to his favorite place and sat down in the branches of the big tree, looking into the distance. He closed his eyes and wiggled his legs a little, enjoying the breeze. That had always helped when he wasn't feeling well, even today it was enough to calm him down. For a while it was just quiet, the soft footsteps in the meadow could hardly be heard.

"I'm not going up there."
"Will you catch me if I jump down?"
Venti giggled a little but just jumped off the tree, of course he didn't really need to be caught.
"I was afraid I won't see you know, outside the tavern."
"Forgive me. Expressing feelings is not exactly my forte. And dealing with them probably even less."
"Ehuh. We all know~"
"Hehe..sorry~ So? You love me, don't you?", Venti asked teasingly, making Diluc sigh.
"I wouldn't go that far yet. But that doesn't mean that it won't be like that one day.", Diluc replied but wrapped an arm around the others waist and pulled him closer, the other hand raised to cup Ventis cheek.
The smaller one smiled warm and nodded.
"Hmh. I think that's enough for now.", he replied and carefully placed his hand on Diluc's chest.
The following kiss was short and gentle but meaningful.
Diluc even smiled a little when they broke it and Venti grinned.

The redhead didn't know what he was getting himself into but, yes, he was ready to find out. Sober. And because he wanted to.

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