What I don't understand (Bennett/Razor)

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Bad luck. Sure, Bennett was used to being unlucky. Bad luck had been his loyal companion for a long time, not a loved one, but he had become friends with it ...or...well, he accepted his fate. Actually everything worked out somehow in the end, whether it was through the help of others or by chance, it didn't matter, somehow he always made it through another day. And hey, if are used to bad luck, hardly anything can upset you. Or at least that's what he thought. What he thought until he was faced with a problem that was almost impossible to solve. Having feelings for your best friend, the one that doesn't understand most human things...oh archons...could there be anything more complicated?


"You sure you don't wanna come to the city? It's pretty cool during Windblume!"
"Yeah! So actually it's a celebration to honor Barbatos but...I like to try the special food! And drinks! And it's great how happy everyone is!"
"Everyone is happy?...why?"
"It's the whole vibe! Some days off for the ones that work really hard, the decorations, everything...uhm...and..it's kinda...romantic..haha..Not that I mind that...but lots of people celebrate their love..and stuff."
"..hmm...too many...humans...Razor would rather not go there .. We could hunt ... that's what I like ..."
That wasn't exactly what Bennett was hoping to hear, but what was he hoping anyway? That he could take Razor into town, spend time there and that like a miracle he would suddenly reveal that he felt the same way Bennett did?
"..ugh stupid...", the blonde mumbled but shook his head seconds later, the usual smile gracing his lips again, followed by an enthusiastic nod.
"Yeah, let's go! Maybe we'll find enough to share with the others. We could have a little party of our own, only with those you like, of course."
This time Razor just looked at Bennett a little longer than normal but simply nodded after a few seconds, he noticed that something was off but was far away from being able to tell what it was.


"That was great! You're the best hunter ever!"
" ... voice frightens animals ... have to be quiet to hunt..."
"..I just..... ... sorry."
Razor nodded, focused on the prey in front of them again, all that mattered to him right now was the hunt and nothing else.
Bennett on the other hand sighed quietly, wondering why he even tried to compliment him.
"..so stupid..."
Actually everything was fine the way it was, right? Why ruin their friendship with stupid feelings? It wouldn't work anyway, Razor could never feel the same for him...
But what if he did...and he would be unlucky because he just said nothing? Should he just tell him directly?
He could just tell him later. That was good enough, it didn't need a stupid party for something like that.
All it needed was the two of them. Together with some food, a campfire and some rest.
After all, that often happened. So if Razor didn't like him, they wouldn't meet that often in the first place, right? Right!
With renewed enthusiasm, Bennett turned his gaze back to the boars infront of them, trying to be as quiet as possible.


It had felt like an eternity until they finally finished the hunt and sat around the campfire together. All day Bennett had been too distracted to concentrate on the hunt, but at least he hadn't caused any trouble. The fall down the slope, the burning bush, and the charred meat were hardly worth mentioning compared to the many times the blonde had been struck by lightning. But even though nothing too bad happened today, he just felt incredibly nervous right now. Much more nervous than ever before.
Bennett just stared at the other for a while, cleared his throat whereupon he choked heavily, coughed for an eternity and then just looked at Razor again, scratching his head, grinning stupidly.

"Uhm...Razor? I think I have to tell you something."
"You..say everything...I'm listening."
"Ahaha..uhm..It's a little more complicated, you know. I really want to tell you but..uhm, well maybe it's stupid but..I think I like like you."
"Like..me? Hm.... Yes. Lupical like eachother...I like you ... and the others ...Wolves are family ... you too ... little girl too ..."
"No, no, no, not like that! ..uhm..that's really great! I love that we're lupical, really! But I ... I don't like you, you know? ...Oh..oh archons I didn't mean it like that! I do like you! Of course I like you! You are my best friend! But I ... I like you more than that."

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