Prank gone wrong? (Chongyun/Xingqiu)

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A small stretch, a little yawn, drowsy eyes and hazy memories of last night. Chongyun didn't know where he was and even less why he was there. The room was too nice, too expensive, the bed too soft. That was clearly not his sleeping place but ....
Rubbing his eyes, slowly sitting up he recognized the room as Xingqiu's. He had been there once or twice, not too often, but often enough to recognize the room. He stretched again and winced at the burning sensation on his back. Did he hurt himself? Feeling the skin with his hand, he felt scratches, several too far apart to have come from a cat. Had he fallen into a thorn bush? Or fought something? Had the evil spirits come to get him? No, it wasn't like that. only when he looked around did he finally notice that Xingqiu was sleeping next to him. He jumped out of bed as if struck by lightning, his cheeks immediately turned tomato red, the energy in his body immediately became chaotic. He looked down at himself almost panicing, but sighed in relief when he realized he was dressed. At least partly. With a racing heart he slumped back on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath. He needed a popsicle. As quickly as possible.

Drowsy Xingqiu looked at Chongyun and grinned slightly when he saw how frightened the other looked. Did he really panic just because he slept here?
"Good morning my liege~ Slept well?", he asked as he sat up and stretched his body, a cute little yawn leaving his lips afterwards.
"...uhm..yeah I guess I did..but why am I even here?", Chongyun replied, he still couldn't look at Xingqiu with that shiny red blush on his cheeks.
Xingqiu paused. He could just tell him the truth, but when else would he have the chance to play such a prank on Chongyun again? He suppressed a giggle and looked fake worriedly at the other.
"What do you mean, Yunnie? Don't scare me like that.", he replied concerned. The sound of his voice made the light blue-haired finally turn around, his heart raced even faster when he noticed how worried Xingqiu looked.
"....I..I'm sorry..uhm but what are you talking about? Should I know..why I am here?", he asked confused, worried, and above all, much too amiable to continue playing this game, but now that it had started, Xingqiu didn't want to end it that fast.

"YunYun...Did you hit your head? Please don't tell me now that you no longer know that we ..."
"..that we..what?"
Xingqiu sighed and moved closer to Chongyun, wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and planted a kiss on his neck.
"..that we started dating?"
He was glad that Chongyun couldn't see how red his cheeks had turned. In the first place it was a lie to prank Chongyun, but if he would believe it and agree, then Xingqiu wouldn't be angry at all. Actually he would be happy. And while he was thinking about it, it occurred to him that this prank had been a very stupid decision.

"DATING?!", it bursted out of Chongyun, shocked, startled, confused. The question was followed by silence. Awkward silence. Agonizing silence. Xingqiu could feel how fast the others heart was beating, how his hands were shaking and his breathing was unsteady. What felt like an eternity later, Chongyun turned around and looked at Xingqiu as if the world had just ended infront him.
"I'm sorry! Oh archons how could I forget..I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. Maybe I really hit my head yesterday. I was on the road a lot and stressed and I ran out of popsicles and ... Please don't be angry. You know I love you, you do, right?", every word that left the light blue-haireds lips sounded incredibly sorry and honest. Maybe it would have made Xingqiu laugh, make him say it was just a joke, but Chongyun's last words made his heart skip a few beats.
" do?", Xingqiu asked blushing like crazy, now incredibly confused himself and Chongyun nodded.
"Of course, always did...Wait ... Xingqiu? Have I never told you that before?", maybe now it would have been time to finaly tell the truth, but the blue-haired couldn't. For once, he didn't know what to say anymore. Xingqiu just shook his head and stared at Chongyun.

In impulses, the exorcist wrapped his arms around the other and pulled him close, hugging him tightly.
"Don't be angry with me. I promise this won't happen again.", he whispered, the boy in his arms froze in place even if his body trembled from the sudden closeness to Chongyun. Only after a few chaotic heartbeats did he raise his arms and returned the hug and nuzzled his face into the nape of the exorcists neck. Xingqiu took one or two deep breaths and suddenly began to giggle.
"You are very special my dear. In a lovable, slightly stupid manner. I could never be angry with you, but would you promise me not to be angry with me either?", Xingqiu whispered after he had calmed down a bit.
"Huh? Why should-", Chongyun paused. He was thinking. And when he finished that, he suddenly pushed the other away and looked at him really and honestly angry.
"Xingqiu! Don't tell me that you've been kidding me again! Do you know how confused I was? And what's more, you let me say things like that without stopping me. You're ... just awful.", he stated and rapidly stood up, grabbed the missing pieces of his outfit and went to the door of Xingqiu's room.
"I need some popsicles ..", he added and left, leaving a really devastated Xingqiu behind.
After a few seconds the light blue-haired came back and looked at Xingqiu questioningly.
"Are you coming now?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"What do you think who pays for it? That should be the least to apologize."
Xingqiu laughed and wiped the tears from his face that he couldn't stop before.
"Of course, my liege."

Holding a ton of popsicles in his hands Chongyun walked next to Xingqiu, looking like a hamster with all the popsicles in his mouth.
"..It didn't have to be that many...", he mumbled as soon as he could speak again and struggled with all the already melting popsicles in his hands. Xingqiu just grinned. He was relieved that Chongyun seemed to forgive him, but something did not leave him alone.
"Yun, have you been serious earlier?"
"What? That you're awful? Definitely.", the exorcist replied and laughed when Xingqiu pushed his arm into his side.
"Thats not what I meant."
"I know."
"I firmly believed that I forgot that we were a couple, do you think I was able to lie to you?", Chongyun replied, but didn't look at Xingqiu anymore. The whole thing was embarrasing enough for him. Xingqiu nodded. And was silent for a moment. Another agonizing long moment.
"I reciprocate these feelings.", he mumbled at one point, also too embarrased to look at Chongyun.
And this time Chongyun just nodded, His cheeks tomato red again, but a happy smile on his otherwise confused, popsicle stuffed face.

"But could you tell me why I slept next to you?", Chongyun asked and Xingqiu blushed so hard that he couldn't hide it.
"I would rather not do that."
"Xingqiu! You didn't drag me into your room while I was fast asleep just to prank me, did you?"
"I deserve the reproach, but I'm really not that terrible. You came voluntarily. And you stayed voluntarily. And I pulled you out of the bushes completely confused. You better tell me what you did yesterday."
"...If only I knew. ...wait I think someone took a picture..", Chongyun rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a crumpled picture. On it he could be seen together with Aether, a nun and a man with an eye patch whom he knew just as little as the nun.
"Have you been a little drunk my dear Yun? ..I think I have to have a serious word with Aether. Who does he think he is to let my boyfriend be so drunk?"
"..Boyfriend?...", Chongyun asked and Xingqiu giggled which made Chongyun giggle too.
"Boyfriend.", the light blue-haired repeated and smiled.

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