Art, logic, love? (Kaeya/Albedo)

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There was one thing that had kind of bothered Kaeya for a long time now. The fact how much time and effort Albedo put into each of his works of art no matter what he drew, but when it came to Kaeya, it was never more than three strokes of the brush. Maybe it made his ego crack, but maybe it just forced him to question his friendship with Albedo. Something he really didn't like questioning. Kaeya considered them to be friends, but maybe that wasn't what Albedo felt and that very thought was uncomfortable, for whatever reason.

" 'Bedo?", he called his name when he entered his laboratory and just sat down on the small sofa in it without waiting for an answer.
"Just a second please.", Kaeya heard Albedo reply, followed by loud clinking sounds. After a few seconds the blonde appeared in front of Kaeya and looked at him questioningly.
"Do you need anything? I still have a lot to do, so if you came with the intention to chat, I will have to refuse.", Albedo stated expressionless, different colors staining his clothes and hands, mainly hues of blue and darker skin colors.
Kaeya placed a hand over his heart and faked a hurt expression but couldn't help but chuckle
about how disheveled the normally decent blonde looked.
"How easy you reject me~..hah...Well I just came to ask about the picture you painted of me for Klee.", Kaeya replied with a small smile, pulled the picture out of his jacket and held it up to Albedo so that he could see it.
"Really? Three strokes?", he asked with a chuckle covering up that it really bothered him.
"In my opinion you are easy to recognize despite the simplicity of the picture. Isn't that the basic idea behind Klee's inquiry? To recognize you and therefore get a memory of something that is seen as positive?", the alchemist replied automated, almost as if he had memorized this answer, but, as unusual as it was, grinned a little. Only a little. But enough to tease Kaeya.
The knight simply rolled his eyes but chuckled as he got up again.
"You just don't have an eye for real beauty, do you?~ Anyway, will you come over later?"
"I am really busy. I have to refuse again."

Even though he hadn't shown it, Kaeya was annoyed by every response he'd gotten from Albedo today. He knew that the blonde just wanted to tease him and still it annoyed him that even Diluc had gotten a nice picture recently. And then he began to refuse to spend time with him too. That happened not only that day, but also the next day and the day after. And the more it happened, the more Kaeya questioned their friendship. It seemed obvious that Albedo didn't want to spend any more time with him. He had even refused to take care of Klee with him and seemed to do everything possible to avoid a lengthy conversation with him. When he saw Albedo meet up with other people, for example Diluc, with whom he had hardly anything else to do, it was even more obvious. The logical part in him told him that it was normal for friendships to change and end, but the other side was hurt. There was no reason Albedo should avoid him. Until recently, they had got along well and Albedo also seemed to enjoy hanging out with him. To see that it no longer seemed like that was uncomfortable. For various reasons. Mostly because he was lying to himself when he described his feelings for Albedo as nothing more than the feelings for a friend. Actually it was never the simplicity of the drawings that bothered him but the thought, that crept in so ungraciously, that Albedo didn't feel that way for him too. All over, it were annoying feelings that plagued the knight, feelings he didn't like to think about at all.


A few days had passed. Several days in which Kaeya had not gone to Albedo's laboratory. In which he had not visited him and had not even tried to talk to him. Days in which he had thought about it a lot and yet mostly suppressed any answer that came to his mind. To determine what he was really feeling wasn't exactly helpful when he wanted to try to accept Albedo's decision. Even if in truth he had known for a long time. Feelings like love were nothing that he had not felt before and nothing that he would not recognize again.

It was very early in the morning after a night in which he had not slept at all when he went back to Albedo's laboratory. He wanted at least an answer to the question why Albedo wanted nothing more to do with him. Kaeya knew that Albedo was barely sleeping. It almost didn't matter when he went to see him. When he was there, he was usually awake too. Still, this time he knocked before he went into the room.

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