Illusion part 2 (Childe/Diluc)

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After several minutes of staring down at his own body, still struggling with the images the dream had created inside his mind, Childe sighed heavily. It certainly wasn't a good idea to jerk off to the images inside his head, but thinking about everything hell might have to offer didn't work to let his boner die either. He could've decided to sit there until...well, he didn't know until when but he did know that it was already morning and that he had to meet Diluc soon. Childe wasn't the type to be bothered by the thought of meeting the main actor of his wet dream, but he knew that he didn't want to spend time with him as long as it wasn't necessary. And it would only be necessary this evening when they had to attend the ball together.

About 10 minutes later his body had finally accepted that there was no relieve in sight and Childe was able to leave his tent to meet with Diluc. He didn't know if it was already 8 a.m. but as the sun was already mercilessly blinding his eyes, he assumed it was late enough for Diluc to be awake by now. The redhead didn't seem to sleep much anyways. Maybe if he would've knocked before he entered the room, maybe then he wouldn't have been reminded of his dream way to soon, but Childe didn't knock. Diluc was still asleep, lying on his stomach, his face turned to one side, his hair in red waves on the white silk covers, reminding Childe of his favorite image, the image of blood on fine snow. The blanket had long failed to cover him, allowing Childe to glimpse at the pale, burn-scarred skin, at the curve of his back, the minimal movements of his muscles, of his...

"Fuck no...", Childe mumbled, feeling his sanity crumble again and turned his gaze to the wall on the other side of the room, trying to stop himself from looking at Diluc any longer. He shouldn't think of him as someone beautiful. He shouldn't feel attracted to him. And by the archons, he shouldn't have these kind of dream about him. All of this was wrong. Completely wrong. And nothing more than a distraction. Feeling his heart jump against his chest, Childe grabbed one of the documents to leave a short note for Diluc, telling him that he would be back in the evening. At first he thought he simply didn't want to spend time with him until the ball, but now he knew that he shouldn't spend time with him. Not if he wanted to keep his cool, not if he wanted to be able to do the job this evening.


When Diluc finally woke up and read the note, he went straight into a crisis. Why didn't he notice that Childe had been there? Why didn't even a single cell of his brain ring a bell to alarm him? When did he let his guard down? All relaxation sleep had brought to him was gone within seconds, making him feel like he hadn't slept at all. He sat on the edge of the bed, the note in his hand, starring into the void. It took him a few minutes to calm down again, to accept that his mind had made a mistake. Slowly sorting his thoughts again, he went back to reading the documents, trying to focus on their mission again. If they could find the traitor tonight, he would be home by tomorrow and whatever his mind was plotting against him would nip in the bud. He could just continue his life in Mondstadt like he had never met Childe at all. What a pleasing thought that was...


Even if he had been so confused in the morning, he managed to spent the afternoon in peace. He took a bath, had a stroll through the city, got some food at a local restaurant, the one he had visited with Childe the evening before and bought a bottle of fontainian wine for Kaeya, not as a gift, just to let him try it. Simply for business reasons. It wasn't the most interesting day, but enough to distract him from everything that could make his sanity fall apart a little more. He didn't want to find himself thinking about Childe ever again.


A few hours later Diluc was back in the hotel room, slipping into the suit he had bought for the night. Childe wasn't there yet, but it was still enough time until they would have to leave. Combing his hair, the redhead studied the documents again, not wanting to overlook any detail. This time he noticed when Childe returned, the smell of blood and sweat could have given him away from afar. Glancing at him through the mirror, Diluc could see how wrecked the ginger looked, covered in blood, mud and things he didn't even want to know about.
"Gonna take a quick shower, should be ready in 20 minutes.", Childe said, grinning a little as he still felt high from the battles.
Diluc answered nothing as there was nothing to say and just watched him enter the bathroom. For the next twenty minutes he could hear the shower, but also curses and annoyed groans. He didn't understand what Childe was saying since it was in snezhnayan, but could decipher that he seemed to be angry about something.

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