no love, right? (Kaeya/Childe)

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Absolutely nothing went according to plan. The mission on which he had accompanied Aether failed, the weather was unbearable and the use of his foul legacy had exhausted him more than expected. Childe loved to use every opportunity to train, still, today was probably the shittiest day in a long time. Completely soaked, exhausted and frustrated both dragged themselves to Mondstadt, it was too late for Childe to return to Liyue, and ended up agreeing to visit the Angel's Share. Warming up and having a drink sounded quite pleasant after that horrible day.

"..but Childe ... before we go in ... could we please just not talk about who or what you are?", Aether asked sounding stern but insecure to the same amount. Childe grinned and hesitated to answer long enough to annoy Aether.
"Yeah, sure. Let's just get some drinks comrade.", he finally said, opening the door of the tavern.

Inside, it was warm, somewhat cozy, enough guests to not feel alone but not too much for it to be crowded. Charles worked at the bar, much to Aether's relief, Kaeya and Rosaria sat apart from the other guests and Venti was busy trying to explain why he should definitely get more free wine.
"Quite okay, kinda reminds me of the ones in my homeland... But didn't you say a hot redhead works here?", Childe asked smug, making Aether blush more than he wanted to.
"...I said that he sometimes works here ... and that he has a pyro vision ..", Aether mumbled embarrased.
"He isn't hot?"
".....ngh...he is...."
Childe laughed taking a seat at the bar, briefly glancing at Venti before he turned back to Charles and ordered whatever Charles could recommend and whatever Aether was allowed to have.
"Say friend, if you're already that generous, you've surely got a few coins to spare for a new friend, don't you?", Venti asked smiling overly cute whereupon Aether just rolled his eyes and sighed.
"You have no shame at all, do you?", he asked in disbelief, wishing that his apple juice would actually contain alcohol to drown how embarrassed Venti made him feel.
"Friend, huh? Didn't know we're friends yet~ See, someone taught me that you should get something in return for what you give, what are you offering me?" Childe replied with a small grin and Aether could swear that Venti knew immediately who had taught the ginger something like that.
An exaggerated sigh was followed by a giggle and Venti simply grabbed the bottle of wine that was in front of Childe. Before Childe could stop him from running away himself, someone else had already grabbed his collar and lifted him slightly, a smug expression on the strangers face.
"You truly know no limits, hm? I thought Diluc had taught you some manners by now~", Kaeya stated and winked at the bard when he set him down again and took the bottle from his hands. Venti only rolled his eyes over-dramatically and giggled a little, turning back to Charles to keep annoying him instead.

"Could have done that alone, but thanks.", Childe said rather emotionlessly but couldn't help but stare at Kaeya. A slight smirk started to form on his lips when his eyes lingered on the other's chest longer than they should. Well, who could blame him?
"Like what you see, harbinger?", Kaeya asked and chuckled, thinking that Childe was cute enough to not be mad about it, deliberately adressing him like that to challenge him.
However, it was Aether who winced and looked at him almost worried, confused why Kaeya knew this and aftaid that this would end in chaos.
Childe, on the other hand, only chuckled about it.
"What if I do?", he asked taking the bottle out of Kaeyas hands. If he tried to flirt with Zhongli he had to do it skillfully, rather inconspicuously, but the knight who was standing in front of him seemed to be able to take it directly. And Kaeya was, he seemed rather amused by it than offended. Aether recognized the glint in his eyes and now wished even more that there was alcohol in his juice. He couldn't bear to watch them .. he didn't want to have to think about it, gulped down the rest of his juice at once and left the tavern quietly. Maybe he could just stay at Albedo's again ..

The knight took a seat next to Childe, supporting his head with his arm on the counter, smiling at Childe. He was thrilled to see how far he could go until Childe wouldn't be so bold anymore. At first they chatted about random topics, like the reasons Childe was here, trying to find out what he was up to and Childe trying to ask Kaeya about his eye patch.
Every now and then they threw compliments at each other, only as much that it was obvious what intentions the respective one had, but not too much to overdo it. A new bottle of wine in his hands, Kaeya looked at Childe smiling viciously.
"Tell me pretty boy, do you already know where to sleep tonight?", he asked and Childe immediately knew what he was about to suggest, but didn't want to give in too easily.
"Guess I'll just rent a room at the hotel.", he replied like he didn't know Kaeyas intentions.
"Well I could offer you to stay at my place, but wouldn't promise that you'll get a lot of sleep there~", the knight replied with a wink, earning an over-dramatic eye roll from Childe.
"You're really full of yourself, eh?", he asked slightly annoyed even if he really wasn't annoyed, the grin on his lips portrayed what he really thought about it.
Kaeya chuckled. It was an almost viciously amused chuckle. Without hesitation he put two fingers to Childes chin and leaned closer to him, so close that hardly a finger would have fit between their lips.
"Hmm..I couldn't be the only one that's full of me~", he whispered, his warm breath brushing against Childe's lips. With that, he clearly had won the 'challenge'. Childe blushed unintentionally heavy, his cheeks weren't the only thing that felt hot now. Shifting nervously in his chair, he needed a second to calm down again but even an hour wouldn't have done anything goodto him. Taking a deep breath he jumped off his chair, grabbed Kaeya by his wrist and dragged him outside.
"Where?", he just hissed trough his clenched teeth, already getting rid of the most difficult accessoires of his outfit.

The door to Kaeya's room was barely closed properly when Childe pushed him onto the bed and dropped onto his lap, his legs straddling his hips, his lips lashing against Kaeyas.
He heard a chuckle, mingling with the sound of wet sloppy kisses. Cold hands traced over his sides, stopping on the bare skin on his hip, pleasantly cold, soothing for the heat in Childes' body.


"Sneakin' out already?", Kaeya whispered, a small smile on his lips, when he watched Childe put on his clothes again. The room was still only barely illuminated by the faint moon light, the silence of the night still lingered over Mondstadt.
"Yeah, you know, cuddling is only for lovers. Just as you said, no love, right?", Childe replied while he tidied his hair and placed the mask back onto his head.
"Just like I said~"
Childe grinned and disappeared into the darkness as quiet as possible. He had been loud enough in the last hour, he certainly didn't want to attract more attention now. Not in the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, not with Jean just a few doors away.

Of course both of them had agreed to the 'just fun'-rule, but, in the next few weeks, Childe was seen more often in Mondstadt and Kaeya in Liyue. It had always been for sex, that's what both told themselves everyday, but slowly it became noticeable how often they actually met. Jean no longer reacted when she saw Childe and Zhongli greeted Kaeya like an old friend when they met. Yes, it must have been quite often. Even Aether didn't care anymore when he met either of them in the other city. Somehow it had become normal. Somehow everyone was aware of their relationship. Probably everyone except Childe and Kaeya...

Snuggled up against the knights chest, Childe sighed. Since when did they cuddle afterwards? How long has Kaeya been here? Three days? Was it a date when they were eating together? Was it a date yesterday when they took a walk at the harbor? Was it a secret shared between couples when he was allowed to look under the eye patch?
".....shit..", Childe mumbled to himself but of course Kaeya could hear it.
"Hm? Something wrong?"
"You know we're dating, do you?"
Kaeya chuckled and wanted to deny it, but he realized it much faster than expected. For a brief moment he didn't say anything before he simply shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah looks like we do.", he replied at some point, rather expressionlessly, which irritated Childe quite a lot.
"Do you want to quit before it gets worse?"
"...Get's worse?", Kaeya asked and chuckled, tracing his hand back up to Childe's cheek, cupping it gently.
"Guess it's already at the worst for me~"
Childe smiled stupidly.
"If that's already the worst, then let me be your absolute nightmare, eh?"
"Haha..sounds good to me~"
Childe stretched a little, leaning in for a kiss. Although it was never planned that way, he felt happy. And happiness wasn't anything to get mad about, even if it came in the form of a Knight of Favonius or possible Prince of Kaenriah and the 11th harbinger of the fatui.

Who would be able to plan something like love anyways?, he wondered and maybe, just maybe the chuckle of two retired, bored gods could be heard somewhere, but thats a different story to tell....

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