Captivity (Childe/Diluc)

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Feel warned before you read this one.
Nothing inside this story is even close to a healthy relationship. Contains captivity, blood, unhealthy/toxic feelings and actions;


Diluc was a skilled warrior, smart, dedicated. He planned his missions carefully, used his resources wisely, supported those that mattered to him. Mistakes were human, but he tried not to let them happen at all. That he made a mistake just that night, on this simple patrol, was more than inconvenient. And inconvenient was an understatement. He had not underestimated his opponent and his abilities, had obtained detailed information, knew about his special features, but he had probably missed a detail, he just didn't know which one. Maybe he would never know, but what he knew was that his current situation was a problem. With his hands and legs tied, his sword somewhere in another room, alone in some stuffy darkness, his situation was really a problem. A big one.

"He's not gonna talk, don't waste your fucking time trying to talk to this bastard!", the redhead could hear someone say, obviously someone with anger issues. He couldn't see someone, he could only hear them in the distance, but hey, at least he was concious again.
"I hate to admit it, but I agree. You'd better try other methods right away. If I may remind you, a persona non grata certainly doesn't deserve to be treated with respect.", Diluc recognized this voice, he had heard it before. He knew the woman's name, her appearance and what she had done in Mondstadt. La Signora. If he just would've stopped her back then...
"Haha..slow. He's my prisoner, isn't he? I'm sure he'll amuse me soon.", the redhead also knew this voice, the voice of Tartaglia, the 11th harbinger of the Fatui.
"And you are here even if nobody asked you to come along. My prisoner, my methods. Simple, isn't it?", Diluc couldn't see their faces, but he didn't need to see them to recognize how much they hated eachother. And how much he hated them.
"Ugh....Hope he'll manage to free himself. Can't wait to see that ugly face of yours beaten up until no one can ever recognize you again.", with that, the redhead could hear someone leave, obviously someone with short legs as many steps as the person made. He could hear the woman chuckle before she too seemed to be leaving. Like that, only the 11th harbinger seemed to be left. That was by no means good, but better than having to deal with all of them at once.

The light that filled the room when Childe opened the door was blinding. Diluc had now been in the dark for what felt like hours, pain shot right into his head as soon as the light hit his fiery eyes. It took him some time to be able to see again, but when he did, he could finally see the room he was in and that stupid grinning face right in front of him. He didn't avert the others gaze, no, he stared back just as intense as Childe looked at him, but in return he didn't grin.

"You're awake again, eh? Haha splendid! It's gonna be way more fun now.", Childe sounded amused as if it were all just a big game. He seemed to be confident but Diluc could see that he was acting cautios. He didn't rush towards him, he kept his distance, only looking at Diluc attentively from a little afar.
"Slept well?", he asked as causal as if they had met for coffee, as if Diluc wasn't chained to the wall in god knows what a lost place.
"You should listen to your friends.", the redhead replied unfazed. He wasn't scared, he wasn't impressed by Childes casual behavior or by the situation he was in.
"Want me to torture you instead? Nah, sorry, not gonna happen soon. It's no fun if you aren't able to defend yourself.", still sounding amused, Childe stepped a little closer and grabbed Dilucs face with his hands, careful to not let him be able to bite him. He was way too close in Dilucs opinion when he looked into his eyes as if he was trying to find something.
"Seems like it completely disappeared from your organism again. Great. You'd never know what Dottores stuff is doing. Any problems?"
"Seriously? Look around, is there anything about this situation that is not a problem?"
"Haha..well, guess you're right firefly. Sooo... how do we want to do that? Chat a little and you tell me what I want to know?"
"I'd rather be crushed by a meteor."
Childe chuckled as he stepped back again, moving a chair to sit right in front of Diluc, grinning a little.
"It's not impossible, but it wouldn't be of use for me."
"As far as I know, you already got what you wanted so what exactly do you want from me?"
"You know yourself that you disturb us quite a bit, don't you?"
"Wouldn't it be more convenient to kill me instead of wasting your time for chit-chat then? I'd prefer it."
"Ah you know, these fools know nothing about your worth, but I do. You would be more useful if you'd join us instead of being a dead body."
"Join you?", Diluc laughed when he heard that. It was a scornful laugh, but a laugh.
"You're a fool to believe I would ever join you. Death sounds quite pleasing compared to the thought of having to spend another minute with you."
"Oh haha I'm sorry. Already missing the darkness in this disgustingly stuffy room? Well then, let me be gracious and give you a little more time to think ~", chuckling, Childe got up from his chair and left the room without even looking at Diluc again. It would be a shame if he really had to kill him, but maybe a little time to think about it would do him good after all.

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