6 days alone?

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"So which option do you want to do?" I asked as I swung around in his swingy chair. "You are so childish you know that?" He laughed. "Can't help it, put me in a swingy chair and what do you expect" I said sassily. "I think the second option is easier" Alan suggested. "The one that's like, What's wrong with this generation?" I asked as I swung back and forth. "Yeah I mean there's a lot wrong with this generation" he nodded. "Yeah like-" I was cut off by the door opening and a little girl about five years old entered the room. "Alan why is there a pretty girl in your room?" She asked innocently.

"Leah this is my friend Skyler, we're doing a project together" he stated with a chuckle. She made her way over to me and she was so adorable. "Are you my brother's girlfriend?" She asked in amazement. "No sweetie we are just friends" I giggled. "Good, you're too pretty for him" she said cutely. "She is so cute" I laughed to Alan.

"Okay bye bye" she waved as she walked out of the room. "So is that all your siblings?" I asked Alan. "Actually I have an eleven year old brother too, him and Jaz are twins" he nodded. "So I was saying that-" I started to speak but was cut off once again by the door swinging open. "Alan did you take my phone charger again" a boy said entering the room. He looked like Alan, he had the same green eyes. He didn't notice me there, which I found funny. "No Joey I didn't" Alan disagreed.

"Jasmin said she saw you take it" he argued. "Dude your eleven why do you need a phone? Go outside and kick a ball or something" Alan ordered. "That's it" I said getting an idea whilst standing up. "What?" Alan asked. "Al, why is there a girl here" The boy asked nervously. "I'm Skyler" I introduced. "We are doing a project together, Skyler what were you talking about?" Alan turned to me. "This is what is wrong with this generation, kids who are eleven years old need phones and devices to interact with each other" I said pointing to Joey.

"Joey leave us for a while" Alan said nicely. Joey nodded and started to walk away. "No wait!" I exclaimed. "He can help us" I said. "How he's eleven?" Alan asked confuseldy. "Exactly he's eleven, we aren't anymore. He can help us into the mind of this new generation" I said and Alan began to understand. "So Joey would you like to help us?" I asked sweetly. "You're pretty" he said mezmorized. "I- I mean yeah sure" he stuttered trying to cover up. "Thank you" I thanked and sat back down in the swingy chair. Joey sat down on the bed beside Alan and we fell into silence. "So what do we do first?" Joey asked. "Well how about we interview you" I suggested.

"What sort of questions will be asked?" He asked worriedly. "Just some general questions" I answered simply. I stood up and sat on the other side of Joey on the bed. "So, what grade are you on?" I asked firstly. "Seventh grade" he answered. "So does popularity matter to you yet?" I asked interested. He glanced at Alan and looked back at me not answering. "How about I ask you questions alone?" I asked nicely and he nodded. "Alan how about you interview Jasmin since she's eleven too" I suggested. "Yeah" he agreed and without further words he left the room.

"So popularity?" I asked simply with a supportive smile. "Yeah it matters" he said looking down. "Hey what's up? You okay?" I asked. "Yeah its just I'm not considered as popular" he answered. "Hey, in my old school I was never popular. I was what you would call a loser. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter what others think of you" I said trying my best to cheer him up. "I guess but I just don't like being a loser" he admitted. "You aren't a loser. I think you are very cool" I said truthfully. He didn't say anything he just sat there looking down. "They don't pick on you do they?" I asked worriedly but he didn't answer. "Joey" I said. "Sort of" he answered. "Can I let you in on a little secret?" I asked with a smile. "Yeah" he said looking up. "I used to get picked on in my old school. I didn't take it very well but you are a cool little dude and anyone would be lucky to be friends with you" I said kindly. "You really think so?" He asked hopefully. "Yes, now do you have your phone?" I asked. "Hand it to me" I ordered and he gave me his phone. I opened it and went into the camera. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Get in a pinture with me" I smiled. "You? Want to get in a picture with me?" He said confusedly. "Yeah" I smiled. I took a picture of the both of us and handed the phone back to him. "Now everytime you look at that photo remember you're a very cool little man" I laughed. "Okay so back to the questions" I announced. "Yes popularity does matter" he nodded. "What about appearances?" I asked. "Yep" he answered. "Does it matter if you don't have a phone?" I questioned. "Yeah" he answered. I asked him more questions like that and most of the answers were yes. Wow that is a messed up generation.

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