The Show

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I walked slowly into the auditorium from the empty hallway before I got caught not being in class. I went straight up to Ms. Hynse and told her I wasn't able to sing due to my broken ribs.

"Oh that's such a shame. You're the best singer out of this lot." She spoke. I couldn't help but let a giggle escape my lips. "You can sit down in the audience and observe how they did." She nodded kindly.

I took a seat at the back and took out my phone. I knew I wouldn't get caught because Ms was way to busy. I went onto Twitter and decided to set things straight.

@skyler_xo: Just to let everyone know, I am not in a secret relationship. It's just a rumour guys. Why this rumour was created in the first place, I don't know but i promise it isn't true.

There was a load of retweets and comments but I didn't bother looking at them. I put my phone in my pocket and paid attention to everyone on stage.

I looked at Charlie and it was obvious he was zoned out. I wonder what he's thinking about. Was it the kiss?

The problem was it felt so right but apparently it was a mistake to him. If it was a mistake to him then its going to be a mistake to you Sky. But the problem was I'm not sure if it was a mistake to me.

I refocused on the students singing on stage and they were really good. Miss told everyone to go sit down and she would call up each act to practice. Vanessa came to the back and sat beside me.

"Hey." She greeted. "Well hello." I smiled. "What grudge do you hold against Casey?" I blurt out, my curiosity getting the better of me. "One of my boyfriends and I broke up because of her." She answered. "Who?" I questioned. "Charlie." She said hesitantly.

"Woah no way." I laughed. I recalled Charlie telling me, on the night that I got back from Boca, that he's had two girlfriends Casey and another girl. Vanessa must have been that other girl.

"Yeah, I mean I'm over him now its just the fact that she was my best friend before it happened." She explained. I nod. We were interrupted by Alan, Nathan and Chris approaching us. They sat down in the row in front of us and turned around.

They all looked really disappointed for some reason. "Why do you guys look so glum?" I asked. "This whole band thing. I thought it would be fun when we had you as the lead singer but now we have Casey. She's taking control of the whole thing." Chris answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked gently. "Casey is trying to change the song." Alan answered for him. "What she can't do that!" I exclaimed, which resulted in hurting my side. I glanced to my left and saw Charlie staring at me. I quickly turned back, my face instantly turning a light shade of pink.

"We just wish you could do it. You were amazing and she's just not." Chris turned to me. He was so sweet.

"Aw sweety I'm sorry I can't do it but I promise I'll make it up to you guys." I promised.

"She called me sweety. I think I'm going to faint." Chris said fangirling. I laughed at his comment and shook my head. "Calm down." I chuckled. "Not fair how come he gets to be called sweety." Nathan said sulking. "Aw I'm sorry honey." I smiled, making it fair. "Haha you didn't get called anything." Nathan teased Alan. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

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