Parties and Familiar Faces

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A/N: comment throughout if you want :)

"Hey where do you think your going without letting me walk you home?" Charlie asked from behind me as I made my way out of the student exit.

Its been nearly a week since that night at the kareoke club, I really need to learn the name of that place, and things have been going fine. Rory and I have gotten really close all of a sudden. Its the same with Charlie, but in a different way.

Ariana will be home later on today considering its Friday. She got held back, once again. It irritates me slightly. "I was thinking, I better run before that lunatic catches up with me and walks me home." I joked.

"You love me really." He chuckled. We began walking home as usual. "Isn't your sister going to be back tonight?" He asked. "Hopefully." I sighed. "What do you mean?" He asked, clearly confused. "She's keeps getting delayed and its just getting annoying I guess." I shrugged.

"I'm sure she'll be back tonight." He said reassuringly. "I'm not so sure." I fake laughed. "Hey I haven't seen Casey in a long time. Where is she?" I asked, changing the subject. "She moved away. Well that's what I heard." He answered. "Well that's one less thing to worry about." I smiled.

"Yeah, well here's your stop." He said as we stood in front of my house. "Your coming inside. I don't care if you disagree." I ordered jokingly. "That sounded very pedophillic. I apologise." I laughed as I unlocked my front door, dropping my bag by the stairs. He came inside and closed the door behind him, dropping his bag in the same place.

"Want something to eat?" I asked as I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and tossed him one. "Oh my god we could make cookies!" I said before he could answer. "Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes why? do you have something against cookies?" I asked pretending to be ofended. "Okay then." He gave in. "Okay we shall need, flour, butter and other baking shit!" I exclaimed as I went to the cupboard.

I grabbed flour, butter, eggs, chocolate chips and sugar. I brought them over to the island and ordered Charlie to get a bowl. "Where do I get one of those?" He asked. "The press down there." I pointed. He placed a big red bowl on the island and I smiled. "Good boy." I patted his head.

"Hey I ain't no dog." He held up his hand. "Could have fooled me." I smirked. "Rude." He scoffed opening the bag of flour and taking a handful. "Don't you dare!" I warned, knowing his intentions.

"Don't I dare what?" He asked, playing dumb and stepping closer. "I swear to god Charlie." I stepped back. Before I could say another word, I was met with the white powder. "This means war." I whispered, trying to intimidate him. I grabbed a big handful of flower and threw it straight at his face. He chased me around the kitchen with the bag of flour.

I took hold of his free hand and stared into his eyes. Once he was distracted I was able to grab the bag and empty the contents over him. "Skyler Paige Grande, prepare to die." He said threateningly and a giggle escaped my lips. "You look so ridiculous!" I laughed hysterically. "So do you!" He laughed. "But your still dead." He said seriously and chased me once again.

I ran outside and took hold of the hose. "One step closer Lenehan, and you get a little shower." I threatened. He cheekily took exactly one step closer and laughed. I pressed the small lever and water began to spray out of the hose. He ended up soaked, fortunately it washed the flour off. "I didn't think you were serious." He said shocked.

I burst out laughing. "Aw I'm sorry." I apologised after I calmed myself down, kind of. "It's okay." He said walking closer to me. I was so caught in his piercing blue eyes I didn't realise he had taken the hose from me until he began spraying me with it.

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