Anonymous Messages

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"Hey get away. You don't know what you're doing." I laugh, swatting Josh's hands away from the poster. "What? I'm helping." He tries convincing with a chuckle. "Well you're not helping." I stick my tongue out.

It's been three months since Charlie left, missing him is an understatement. The first few weeks were the hardest, we facetime literally every possible chance we get which is hard because I have school and he has a busy schedule. But nonetheless we talk as much as we can.

The texts that I started getting have continued. I get about two a week, just threats and pictures of me taken when I'm in public. The worst one was a text saying 'tell anyone about yours truly and that picture goes viral.'

He or she still has that picture of me kissing Charlie on my doorstep. I was afraid to tell anyone. Scratch that I am afraid to tell anyone. This creepy stalker has the potential to destroy Charli's career which gets me thinking...if they have all this power, why don't they use it? What do they want from me that's so important to them?

I've gotten to be better friends with Josh lately, even though I rejected him it isn't awkward, strangely enough. We are curently seated at the island, working on our science project due for tomorrow. We had three weeks to do it and of course we left it until last minute. So here we sit, papers, colouring pencils and books everywhere trying to get it done.

He gives up trying to help and uses my laptop for facebook instead. "What are we even doing our project on?" He laughs. I face palm myself. "Josh we've been doing this for over an hour and you still don't know?" I ask, a smile forcing it's way onto my lips. He gives me a guilty look and I laugh. "We are doing our project on light and reflection. Mainly about lenses for example convex and concave lenses for eyesight and the spectrum in a glass prism, how it disperses light." I explain and he looks at me as if I have three heads and have just landed in my UFO. I giggle at his puzzled expression.

"It's really about glasses and how they help people see. The way the light reflects at the back of the eye sending an image to the brain but for people who are long or short sighted, the light doesn't reflect to the back of the eye its either too short and doesn't reach the back of the eye or its too long and reaches past the eye. The lenses help to minipulate the light, lengthening or shortening it when needed. Simple really." I shrug. "What the hell? How are you so smart?" He asks shocked.

I've never really thought of myself as smart because I suck at important subjects like Math and English. But Science is a subject I do well in and have loads of interest in. "I'm not smart." I shake my head. "Ehh yeah you are, we haven't even done that chapter yet."

What? I'm not a nerd I just like to read ahead sometimes. Don't judge.

"Shut up." I laugh, beginning to colour again. He turns back to the laptop. "Ooh videa chat request." He states. "Answer it." I order not even looking up.

"Oh hey Charlie." Josh greets and my head instantly shoots up.

Okay so Charlie can be a bit territorial at times. Even though he knows I'm friends with a lot of guys, he's not too happy about me being friends with Josh. Reasons being he knows Josh asked me to homecoming and knows Josh has this crush on me so it worries him a little.

"Josh? Hi." He says awkwardly. "How's the tour going?" Josh asks. "It's busy. So what are you guys up to?" He asks curiously. "Science project." I answer.

"Did you know Sky is a science genius?" Josh smiles. "No, no I didn't." Charlie still says awkwardly. I can tell he's not comfortable with the idea of us being alone together. "This girl is like some mad scientist. Not only is she pretty but smart too." Josh says. I can see Charlie visibly stiffen.

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