A lunchtime from Hell

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After Business it was lunchtime so I made my way to the cafeteria.

Once I was through the door I spotted Michelle at a table and decided to sit next to her for a while. "Hey, is it okay if I sit here?" I asked politely. "The chair's all yours." she smiled. I sat down and we talked for a while. "Look at that whore over there!" I heard someone shout across the cafeteria. I turned around to see a girl pointing at me and smirking. She had bleach blonde hair and her face was caked in so much makeup.

I decided to ignore her and go back to talking to Michelle. I saw Charlie walk through the cafeteria doors and he noticed me at once and sat at the table I was at. "Hello ladies." he greeted. "Hey Charlie." Michelle said. I gave him a warm smile.

As we were talking I saw the same girl who called me a whore approach us. "That's Amy don't mind what she says she doesn't know anything." Michelle whispered as she saw me looking at her.

Once the girl ,who's name I had just learned was Amy, had reached out table she started smirking. "Charlie baby, why are you sitting with these sluts?" she asked bitchily. Baby? Wait what! "Amy go away." Michelle ordered.

"Or else what, you'll get your new ugly friend to hurt me?" She giggled. God her giggle was annoying. "Amy your just jealous because she's a hundred times prettier then you." Michelle stated. "Yeah right, she's just an attention whore who will forever live off of her sisters fame because she has no talent at all." Amy said as if I wasn't even there. "She, has a name." Charlie defended. "Oh yeah I forgot that this little bitch has a name, its Ariana number 2 just as talentless as her sister." she smirked.

I stood up. Nobody will ever talk about my sister like that.

"You know what, Amy or whatever your name is, my sister is a billion times more talented and prettier then you. If you ever, ever, talk about my sister like that I will have no problem as to kick you into the middle of next week. Got it? Good." I defended Ari. I don't know where that confidence came from at all.

After I was done speaking I sat back down and turned to Michelle. "So what were we talking about?" I smiled. I heard Amy stomp away in frustration. "How did you do that?" Charlie asked in amazement. "I-i don't know." I stuttered. "But I do have a question, baby??" I chuckled. "She's delusional she is convinced that I like her." he defended.

After a while we decided to leave the cafeteria and go for a walk around the school. "I'll catch up with you guys in a second I'm just going to get a drink from the vending machine." I said to Michelle and Charlie. They nodded and proceeded walking.

I went to the vending machine and got a bottle of Pepsi. When I turned around all I saw was Amy in my face. "Listen here whore, this is my school, i don't care if your sister is famous I will ruin you if you try anything to hurt my reputation. And by the way stay away from Charlie he obviously only feels sorry for you, that's probably the only reason he even looks at you, I mean look at yourself your an ugly, fat worthless piece of shit that nobody cares about.

Everybody is interested in you because of your sister not because of you. So do yourself a favour and stay out of my way or else you will be very sorry." she threatened.

And with that she left. I felt tears pouring out of my eyes as I thought of the words she just called me an ugly, fat worthless piece of shit. It was true I am all of those things. I ran to the girls bathrooms and locked the door.

I looked at my reflection with tears streamed down my face. Stay strong.

The words Matthew would always say to me when anything like this would happen. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. I started thinking what's the point? Everything she said was right.

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