What Are We?

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He took hold of my hand and smiled. "Come on I want to show you something." Charlie said as he stood up and began walking, dragging me behind him. We went down the stairs and through his house and out the front door. "Just remember I have shorter legs than you so its twice the effort for me to keep up with your pace." I giggled.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as we stopped in front of a forest gateway a few moments later. "You'll see." He smirked. We went through the gateway and he led me into the forest. Soon enough he stopped in front of a large tree.

"Its a tree?" I stated but it came out more as a question. "Look up." He directed. I followed his request and stared upwards to see a big tree house attached the the tree. "You have a tree house?" I chuckled slightly. "Hey don't laugh, its actually a really cool treehouse and I've had it years." He smiled. "Its cute and all but why did you take me here?" I asked.

He made his way to the back of the tree and I followed suit to see a large ladder leading up the tree. He began climbing the ladder until he reached the house and sat in it with his legs dangling out. "Come up." He smiled.

"No!" I exclaimed, a little too quickly. "Why not?" He frowned. "I um I...." I trailed on trying to think of an excuse. "You're afraid of heights aren't you!" He exclaimed. "Why did you bring me here anyway?" I changed the subject.

"Because I wanted to show you my treehouse." He laughed as he began climbing down the ladder until he reached the ground with a hop. "I'm not going up there." I shook my head. "You're such a wimppp." He teased and began tickling me. "No! N-no stop!" I screamed in between laughter.

He eventually stopped but when he did we were close, and by close I mean lips about an inch apart as we stared into each other's eyes. "Sky." Charlie spoke as he took a deep breath. "Yeah." I responded. "I like you..." he trailed on. "A lot." He added.

My heart began racing, a smile instantly spread across my face. Is this a dream? "You don't have to say anything. I understand if you don't feel the same way." He began backing away but i instantly clung onto his arm. "I'm so glad you said that." I smiled. "Because I'm crazy about you." I confessed.

"You are!" his eyes widened. I nodded breaking eye contact and staring at the ground. He lifted my chin up gently with his finger. "I didn't know you felt that way." He said gently, I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. "I umm I do." I said awkwardly.

Silence fell upon us as we stared into each other's eyes. I got lost in his beautiful bright eyes.

"That first time we kissed, can we pretend that didn't happen?" Charlie asked, causeing me to frown. Was I that bad? "Why?" I asked confusedly. "Because I want this to be the first time." Without further warning his lips crashed on top of mine.

I kissed back instantly, asking myself was this a dream. This moment seemed too perfect to be real. His arms wrapped around my waste as my hands got lost in his hair. No this is very much real.

I pulled back after a good three minutes, gasping for breath, he himself seemed pretty out of breath too.

"Did that just?..." I trailed on. "I think so." He laughed. "Does this mean?" I was slightly confused of the whole situation. Like we just told each other how we feel and we're already full on making out in a forest.

"Skyler Paige Grande, will you be my date to the homecoming dance on Saturday?" He asked formally. "It would be my honour." I curtzied with a slight giggle. "And it's Anne." I laughed. "What?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "My full name, Skyler Anne Paige Grande. I hate the Anne so I never tell anybody and none of my family ever use it." I laughed. "That is such a beautiful name." He spoke in amazement. "No it's horrible." I shook my head in disagreement.

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