The Truth Comes Out Now

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We talked for quite a long time and she really cheered me up. It was getting really dark and we kind of lost track of time. "So what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?" I asked in between chuckles. "Hmm let me see, well I fell off a chair and broke my arm when I was younger." she laughed.

We were in hysterics when we finally calmed down and she spoke.

"I think you have just become my best friend." she smiled. "I was thinking the exact same thing." I replied. I checked my phone and saw I had 5 missed calls from Ariana and endless amounts of messages. "Soph, I'm gonna have to go but I'll text ya later." I said and hugged her goodbye. I stood up from the bench and walked to the exit. I started to walk down the street and towards the driveway of my house. I walked slowly not rushing even though Ariana was worried, she left for the day without leaving a note or anything like that. I reached the front door and opened it. I walked through the front door and into the living room to be met with 6 worried looking faces. "Hey guys." I said as I put my keys on the table. They all looked at me shocked. "Hey guys? heys guys is all we get after we've been worried sick about where you are!" Ariana ranted. "Fine, hi guys, better Ari?" I said cheekily. She gave me the dirtiest look possible. "Guys thank you for your help but I think I need to talk to Skyler alone." Ariana stated. The boys nodded and stood up and left the room. I heard the front door open and then close shortly after. "Skyler what the hell did you think you were at!" Ariana shouted. "What did I do!" I said defensively. "You left the house without calling or texting me, or leaving a note anywhere!" She shouted in response. "Oh a bit like you." I said bitchily. She looked taken aback by my response. "I had to go film my perfume add and I asked Jai to come with me, I couldn't call or text because I forgot my phone!" She shouted. "You could have used Jai's." I smirked. "Don't turn this around on me, this is about you and how irresponsible you are." she replied. "Why can't you ever just grow up! You find everything about you, I'm sorry to say but the world doesn't revolve around you! If you didn't screw up in the first place you wouldn't even be here and wouldn't be my problem!" She screamed in frustration. "Its kind of hard to grow up when everyone around me is always telling me that I'm too young for anything and that everything I do is wrong! How can I grow up if I can't learn from my mistakes!" I shouted back. "I didn't mean that I'm sorry." she apologised.

"How can I grow up when I don't have an older role model, the one I had when I was young walked out of my life and didn't bother with me until now!" I ranted. "Sky-" she started but I interrupted. "How can I grow up when all anybody has told me through my life is that I'm a waste of space!" I shouted. She looked at me with sad eyes. "How can I grow up if all I want to do is die?" I said as a tear slipped down my cheek. "Skyler, what do you mean?" she asked with concern. "Nothing?" I lied. I didn't realise what I said until I said it. "Skyler." she said gently. "Just leave me alone, obviously you don't want me to be your problem." I said with so much anger.

I ran up to my room with tears streamed down my face. I locked my bedroom door once I closed it behind me. I leaned against it and fell to the floor. Why would she say that to me? I heard knocking on my door. "Skyler, I'm so sorry I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry." I heard Ariana's voice. I stayed quiet and didn't move. There was more knocking on my door and more apologies. "Ariana just get lost! You don't care about me you never have and I'm pretty sure you never will!" I shouted and the knocking stopped. I cried and cried. I stood up and ran to my bathroom and closed the door after me. Out of all the people in the world to put me down I never thought it would be Ariana. I stamped on a razor blade and broke the blade out.

I picked it up and stared at it for a moment before running it through my skin. I cried harder and harder as the blood started to flow out of my wrist. Guilt started to wave over me and I felt awful as I had just broken a promise. I through the blade on the ground and ran cold water on my arm. I wrapped a towel around my wrist and grabbed my bipolar pills from the cabinet over the sink. I poured two onto my hand and swallowed them. I opened the bathroom door and walked back into my room. I sat on the piano bench and put the towel on top of the piano. I started to play a melody. I sang along to the tune.

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