Early Goodbye

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I woke up to my head pounding. It felt like my skull had shrunk overnight.

I sat up, only to fall back down with the pain. I tried again and this time succeeded. I stood up and dragged my feet until I reached the door.

"Good morning my little hungover sister." Ariana sighs, as I entered the kitchen. Was that what was wrong? Was I drunk last night?

"Charlie's asleep on the sofa by the way." She added. "What exactly happened last night?" I ask siting down. "Beau got you extremely pissed. Do you really not remember?" She laughed. "Last thing I remember is taking pictures with Shawn." I rested my head in my hands. "You're actually hilarious drunk though." She smiled. "Oh God did I do anything stupid? I didn't kiss anyone did I?" I panicked. "No you didn't, well not that I know of. But you did spill about you and Charlie." She looked up at me.

Oops. "I was going to tell you." I sighed. "It's okay. I had the chance to warn him that if he hurts my baby sister, I'll hurt him." She smirks evily. "I didn't embarrass myself in front of him did I?" I groan, regretting the night before.

"Umm.." she giggled. "You may have sat on the floor and refused to get up. Then whenever anyone called you drunk you'd defend yourself by blaming it on some alcohol thief."

I groaned again. "Go check if he's awake." She nodded towards the living room. I stood up and made my way to the living room. I stepped inside and saw Charlie sitting there on his phone. "Hey." He greeted. "Hi." I sat beside him on the couch. "So. How are you feeling?" He spoke with an anticipating smile. "My head hurts." I moaned. "I heard about how much of an idiot I acted last night." I say.

"Hey you didn't hook up with any other guys. That's all I care about." He smiled charmingly. "I'm still sorry if I embarrassed you." I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder. He wastes no time in circling his arms around my waist and dragging me closer.

I must have dozed off because I was awoken by Beau and Luke's voices. "You can't say that isn't adorable!" Beau gushes. "Well its kinda cute." Luke hesitates.

"It's not kinda cute its fucking adorable." Ariana joins in. "Should we wake them?" Beau asks. "Nah leave them. The more sleep she gets the better, she has a bit of a hangover." Ariana answers. "I said I was sorry!" Beau says defensively. I can tell Beau is in serious shit for getting me drunk. Ariana is very protective and isn't pleased.

I heard a camera shot and Beau giggle. "Did you really take a picture of them?" Luke scolds. "Maybe." Beau giggles once again.

I hear pairs of feet walk away. Once it was silent I began to think of what Luke's problem could be? It seemed like he really wasn't happy about Charlie and I being a couple. But what problem could he have with Charlie? I thought he liked Charlie?


"I can't believe you have to leave a week early." I frown as I sit on Charlie's bed whilst he packs. "Me neither." He sighed, looking back at me from his closet.

I stare into his big blue orbits, wondering how I would get by the next few months without him. "When's your show in L.A.?" I ask curiously. "I think it's the last show." He answers.

"Charlie do you have my laptop?" Cat walks into the room then notices me sitting there. "Oh hey Skyler I didn't know you were here." She added with a smile. "Hey Cat." I wave.

"Are you packing?" She turned to Charlie. "Yeah he is. He's leaving me." I frown childishly. "Awh baby I don't wanna leave you." He sat down and pulled me onto his lap, causing me to laugh. "You could make Leo go by himself." I suggest jokingly. "Yeah I'll do that." He kissed my nose cutely. "Wait a second!" Cat looked between the two of us. "Are yo- you two together?" She stuttered.

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