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"So tell me, do you prefer England or America?" I asked Charlie curiously as we walked along the sidewalk. "Well, England has my insane family. America has my friends" he said motioning his hands like he was weighing the two options.

"America it is" he decided with a chuckle. "So where do you prefer, Florida or L.A." he questioned. "L.A." I answered a bit too quickly. "Woah, don't answer that slowly" he said sarcastically.

"Sorry I just have too many bad memories from Florida" I said quietly. "I understand" he nodded. "So do you go back often to England?" I asked. "Not as much as I would want to, its hard juggling school and a career and still having a social life along with seeing your family" he answered with a sigh.

"I'm guessing its hard being a sensational popstar" I teased with a smile. "Oh hush" he laughed. "But seriously, it must be hard" I said looking up. "Its worth it" he smiled.

"Do you ever still meet up with the Simon cowell?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, we have meetings" he nodded. "That's so cool!" I exclaimed. "Not really" he disagreed. "Okay, sorry its not a big deal to you because your a celebrity. Me on the other hand who is a nobody finds it pretty dang cool" I laughed.

"You're not gonna go all fangirl on me now are you?" He asked jokingly. "Whatever" I laughed. "You aren't a nobody" he smiled. "You're not gonna go all soft on me now are you?" I mocked him.

"I'm only joking" I laughed. "You've always been soft" I added with a smirk. "Have not!" He defended himself. "Sure" I said sarcastically. We reached my house and I unlocked the door. "Wanna come in?" I asked. "Sure" he answered and I motioned him inside. I then entered after him and closed the door behind me.

"Where's your sister?" He asked as I threw my keys on the coffee table. "Chicago" I answered. "How come?" He asked. "Working" I said simply as I walked into the kitchen after dumping my bag in the living room. He soon followed me in. "So wacha wanna do?" I asked as I sat up on the island.

"Umm homework?" He suggested. "Ew school" I said in disgust. "Come on it isn't that difficult" he protested. I groaned as I jumped off of the island. I ran to the living room and grabbed my bag, bringing it back into the kitchen as I sat down at the kitchen table.

Charlie had already sat down and was taking out his math book. "Math first? Really?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Get the worst part done first" he nodded. I sighed and took out my math book out. I opened on the correct page and instantly got stressed.

Like I've said, I was never good at school and failed everything because I didn't try. Charlie on the other hand was writing and solving problems before I even knew how to do them.

"I can't do this" I said frustratedly. "Do what?" He asked. "Math, I can't do it" I said sounding really stupid. "Don't be silly of course you can" he laughed. "No I really can't" I protested. "Which on are you stuck on?" He asked with a smile. "All of them" I answered and he looked at me in surprise.

"Really?" He asked. "Yeah" i answered. "Did you not do this sort of math in your old school?" He asked looking me in the eye. "I'm not smart, I failed everything" I said simply.

"Don't say that" he said, placing his hand on mine. Safe to say my heart melted completely. "I'm not just saying that. I want to be smart but I'm just not" I said with a fake laugh. "I can tutor you" he suggested, taking his hand back and I instantly missed his touch. "Seriously?" I asked. "Yeah I'm an honours math student, I can tutor you" he nodded.

He showed me how to do my homework and I finished it within twenty minutes. "Thanks" I smiled. "No problem" he smiled back. "Can I use your bathroom?" He asked. "Yeah, upstairs second door to the left" I nodded and he left the room.

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