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A/N: comment throughout if you want :)

I groaned as my alarm clock rang throughout the room. Great, another Monday. So it's been a week since Ariana told me about dad coming, and he'll be here tomorrow. 

The past week has been boring, Vanessa and Charlie have been spending all their time with Bella. Chris and Nate think she's changed too much and are avoiding her.

I have hardly spoken to Charlie since last Monday which breaks my heart. Matt has been trying to cheer me up lately, and he's been making sure I've been taking my medication.

I rolled out of bed and took a quick shower and got dressed. After getting dressed and drying my hair, I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Ariana sitting with a pair if sunglasses on and her head resting in her hands. "What's up with you?" I asked, knowing the answer. "Not so loud." She groaned. "Aww did somebody drink a little too much last night." I smirked.

"Oh hush up." She glared. "How are you going to work today?" I giggled. "I'm not. I called in sick." She stated. "Hey how about you ditch school and we spend the day together." She suggested. "You know I can't do that. I've gotten into enough trouble for that in the past." I said as I grabbed a cereal bar and slipped my docs on.

"I know." She sighed. "Do you want a ride to school?" She asked. "Yeah please." I accepted her offer. After I was ready we both got into the car and she began driving.

The car ride was silent and short, my heart began beating fast as I knew that I would have no one again today.

Once I got into the school, I went to my locker and unloaded my books. I decided to go to the practice room and see if Alan was there, after all, we're both being replaced together.

As I walked through the hallway I heard music playing. It was exactly like the music Alan and I wrote last week but didn't have lyrics written.

I looked through the practice room door to see the band playing but Bella was singing.

I opened the door and stepped inside but they didn't notice me. The lyrics were bad I mean, cheesy as hell.

You're the sun to my flower,
You make me happy for hours,
You make me smile,
And for a while,
I forget about the pain,

The song ended at that and Alan noticed me standing there, confused. "Hey Sky! Bella helped me finished our song isn't that great!" He exclaimed excitedly. "And since you weren't here, she offered to sing so we could practice isn't that great?" Vanessa smiled. "Yeah." I lied. "Just great." I turned around. "Where are you going?" Bella's voice asked from behind me. "I forgot something." I lied convincingly.

I began walking down the hallway feeling so replaced. "Hey Skyler are you okay?" Chris called after me. I turned around but failed to answer his question. "I don't want Bella to be apart of the band anymore than you do." He stated. "Why not? I mean everyone seems to love her. She's just perfect." I shrugged, feeling tears forming at the corners of my eyes.

"Sky you're still apart of the band, and if not, you'll always be apart of the team." He spoke sweetly, and I found myself pulling his tall figure in for a hug.

"Thank you." I pulled away. "You just hugged me! A pretty girl just hugged me and I didn't faint." He said shocked.

After he got over his stage of shock he cleared his throat. "How about at lunch you hang out with Nate, my friends and me." He suggested. "Yeah. Thanks." I nodded.

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