She's Back

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I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name. I opened my eyes to see Ariana standing over me. "Yes?" I asked. "You have to get up its 10 a.m." she ordered. "Why do I have to get up?" I moaned. "Because you have school tomorrow so you have to get back into the school routine" she answered. "Ugghh" I groaned as I sat up. "There I'm up now go away" I chuckled. She giggled and left my room. I stood up and took a shower and changed into a pair of denim shorts and a white shirt.

As I walked downstairs I could hear talking from the kitchen. I made my way into the kitchen to see Luke, Jai and Ariana sitting at the table. Once Luke saw me he stood up and ran to me and embraced me with a hug. "Gosh Luke I saw you two days ago not that long ago" I chuckled. "I know but I missed you" he laughed and sat back down at the table.

"What are we doing today?" I asked Ariana as I sat up on the island. "Well I have to be at the studio later on today and I was wondering if you wanted to join me?" Ariana suggested. "Sure" I agreed. "In the meanwhile, you and I are going to go shopping" she smiled to me. "What about us?" Jai whined. "Would you like to go dress shopping?" Ariana turned to him. "No thanks" he denied. "Why would you whine if you didn't wanna go" I laughed. "It would have been nice to be invited" he sneered jokingly. "C'mon Sky, we're leaving now" Ariana announced and picked up her bag. We walked to the front door and Ariana stopped in her tracks. "Boys don't burn down my house!" Ariana called out.

We got into the car and Ariana started the engine.

Charlie's P.O.V

After Skyler got into her house I made my way back to the karaoke club. I couldn't believe Skyler got that sort of hate, she didn't deserve it. As I walked through the entrance I quickly spotted Callum, Rory and Sophia sitting at a table. I sat down at the table and greeted them all. "Did Skyler get home okay?" Sophia asked. "Yep" I answered with a smile. "Did you kiss her" Callum winked. I felt my face heat up and he began laughing. "No I didn't" I chuckled. "When are you going to make your move?" Sophia asked sounding fed up. "I'm pretty sure she doesn't think of me that way, I don't stand a chance so there isn't any point" I sighed. "She does" Sophia mumbled. "What?" I asked her. "Did I say that out loud?" She asked worriedly. "Did you say she does" I asked. "Look don't tell her I told you or else she'll hate me but she does like you. But don't leave it too late or else she is going to get bored of waiting" she said and gave Rory a look. What's going on there?

"Guys Soph and I better get going" Callum announced. "Bye" I said and they stood up and left. "There's barely anyone here" Rory laughed. "Yeah do you wanna go home" I suggested. "Sure" he agreed. Rory and I are neighbours so we walk home together all the time.

As we were walking Rory was very quiet. "What's up?" I asked worriedly. "Nothing" he lied. "Bro, I know when something is wrong. I have known you since we were three years old, now what is up?" I asked. "Nothing, can we stop talking about it?" He asked sounding really pissed off. "Okay. Did you know Skyler gets so much hate on Twitter?" I asked creating conversation. "What she gets hate?" He asked wide eyed. "Yeah we were talking about the interview and then she said she's just used to the hate and I asked her how and she told me that she receives it all the time. I asked her what would people say and she said they would call her worthless, fat, ugly and a whore" I explained.

"Why do people do that. They don't realise words hurt" he sighed. We reached our houses and said our goodbyes. I stepped into my house and saw the lights were off so I presumed everyone was asleep. I made my way to my bedroom and changed into some sweatpants. I lay down in bed and drifted off to sleep.

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