Thank you and Announcement

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Hi guys! I want to say thank you so much for anyone who has stuck by me for the past two years throughout this book. Wow it hasn't felt like two years.

It was my first piece of writing and I'm aware the start of this book isn't great but you amazing beautiful people are what made it special. I love you all so much. Each and every single one comment any of you have left has brought a smile to my face.

I want to thank a few people who I feel really showed so much support through everything. A huge huge thank you to sparkly_blast you are the funniest person ever and I love you so much Cat! I honestly don't think I would have enjoyed writing as much as I did if you didn't comment so honestly thank you so so so much! You are a wonderful human and don't ever forget that!

Thank you MiniMadMonkey my first supporter, you'll always be in my heart Caitlyn! You made me so excited about my writing and really helped with the ideas process so a sincere thank you!

kitty4958 wow my book buddy, I honestly honoured at what you said about my book and how it inspired you to write your own. It makes me so happy to know that people actually cared about my writing and supported me throughout.

Thank you rachel_weller125 moonlight_loving drama_life _  Alljanoskians Danceistheanswer kimberlymutizwa disneygirlygirl for your votes and comments and support!

If you weren't mentioned please don't take it personally, I appreciate any comment or vote that was ever left. I love all of you! I'm going to miss this book so so much.


So I'm currently writing a new book but no it's not a sequel to this. I decided not to write a sequel because I feel if only lose interest in a follow up to this book. I apologise to anyone who was hoping for a sequel, I'm so sorry if I've disappointed you that's not my intention.

I'm writing a 5 SOS fanfiction and I'm super excited! I have three chapters written so far and I'll publish the book soon I'd love to hear your thoughts of the idea of a new book because I value all your opinions. So what would you guys think of a new book?

I'll post and update on this book when I release it.

One last gigantic thank you and virtual hugs to everyone! I feel like I'm saying goodbye to all of you. I hope you guys stick around to see what I have coming up. I have every faith you guys won't disappoint me! I love you so so so so so much!!!

See you soon x

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