Night Out

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After the flight we collected our bags from luggage and made our way through the airport. We looked around for Ari and the boys, who were supposed to be collecting us. I spotted them all standing looking around the airport. At almost the same time I spotted Ariana she spotted me. She ran to me and engulfed me with a hug. "Gosh Ari I wasn't gone that long" I giggled. "I still missed you" she chuckled. "I missed you too" I smiled. She released me and the four remaining boys surrounded me in a group hug whilst Ariana and Luke talked about something. "This is really sweet and all but it might be a bit cuter if you know, I could breathe!" I exclaimed. They all chuckled and released me.

We left the airport not long after that. As we all got into the car I ended up sitting on Luke's lap due to the lack of seats. As we were on the car journey Ariana was going on about her new album and to be honest I zoned out completely. "Thank you" Luke whispered so that only I could hear. "For what?" I asked barely audible. "For letting me into your world. For telling me the truth" he smiled still whispering. "Thank you for listening" I said quietly.

When we reached the house Ariana sent me up to my room to unpack my things. I turned on some music and began packing away my clothes. I noticed that I had endless amounts of clothes but barely any pairs of shoes. I need to go shopping. There was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I called out from my closet. "Its just me" I heard a voice say from behind me. No...that isn't? I turned around to see Charlie's face. I jumped into his arms to give him a hug. He instantly hugged me back tightly. "I missed you" he chuckled releasing me. "Oh did you now" I teased. "I missed you too" I admitted.

"You're out of hospital!" I exclaimed. "Yeah" he smiled. He stared at me for a moment. "Is everything okay?" I asked awkwardly. "Yeah I just noticed how beautiful you look in black" he smiled. I felt my face heat up as he chuckled. I forgot I was wearing that black dress. "What are you doing here at this time at night?" I asked changing the subject. "Well Ariana called me, I don't know how she got my number, and said you were back so I asked could I come see you because I missed you and she said of course" he stated. I hugged him tightly once again. "That's very sweet" I laughed and released him. "You can sit down if you want because I need to finish unpacking" I smiled. He nodded and sat on the edge of my bed. I went back to my closet and resumed hanging up clothes. "Who's this?" He asked. I turned around to see him admiring the framed picture on my bedside table of me and Matthew. "That's my best friend" I smiled looking at the picture. "Phew, I thought he was your boyfriend and I got worried" he cheesed. "Nope I don't have a boyfriend" I teased.

After a while of packing I was finally finished. I sat on the other side of my bed and chatted to Charlie. "So a few of my friends and I are going out tomorrow night including Rory, Callum and Sophia and we were wondering if you would want to come?" He asked innocently. "I would love to" i accepted. "Me and Rory will pick you up at six" he smiled. I nodded. "Want to play truth or dare?" I asked. "Sure you go first" he agreed. "Truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth" he answered. "How many girlfriends have you had" I asked innocently. "2, Casey and another girl" he answered. "Truth or dare?" He asked. "Truth, I'm a wimp" I joked. "How many boyfriends have you had?" He smirked. "Don't judge me but eleven" I said awkwardly. He looked at me in shock. "I know what you thinking. I'm not a slut or anything well I was but that was like two years ago. The last time I had a boyfriend was like six months ago" I defended. He laughed at me because I was failing to fight my case. "I better get going its really late" he suggested. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow?" I said. "Yes you will" he stood up off the bed. I stood up and made my way over to him and he hugged me. "Bye" I smiled. "See ya" he said and with that he left.

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