The Runway

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"Sky you okay?" Sophia asks me backstage.

"No. I'm freaking out. What if I trip? What if I fall off the stage? No I can't do this." I rush, pacinf back and forth. "Okay the show isn't for another hour, people are just arriving. Take a deep breath and calm down. You won't fall off the stage, you've been practicing walking in those shoes for a week. You'll be okay." She says reassuringly before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." I smile. I sit down at the dressing table ans admire the good job the makeup artists did on my makeup. All that's left to do is get the dress on. "Where's Zoe?" Sophia asks.

I introduced them to each other the other day and they really got along. I knew they would anyway. "She's getting her makeup done." I answer.

"There's our favourite model!" Bella exclaims, causing me to turn to their direction. Standing there is Bella, Vanessa, Alan, Chris, Nate and Josh all in a big group. Bella hands me the bunch of flowers that were in her hands. "Awh you guys." I smile, hugging each of them. Failing to find a reason not to hug Alan, I find no other option as to pull him into a quick hug. Since I recieved that picture, I've been distancing myself from him. I haven't even decided whether or not to tell Vanessa but I haven't been able to look him in the eye since.

"The flowers are also from Charlie and Leo. They're so disppointed they can't be here." Vanessa states. I put the flowers on the dressing table, thanking them once again. "You guys should probably take your seats." I suggest with a smile. "Yeah. It's filling up pretty quickly out there. Good luck Sky!" Josh smiles. There were a course of 'Good luck Sky's' and they all disappear.

I sit down and pull out my phone and click into Facetime. A few rings later and I see his face appear across the screen. "Sky! Are you not at the show?" Charlie asks confusedly. "I am. I just needed to see you." I smile nervously. "I miss you too baby but I really have to go. I'm sorry" He frowns.

Disappointment floods my emotions. I understand that he's on tour and is busy but it seems like he has no time for me. We haven't talked much these past few days. "It's fine." I plaster on a fake smile. "Good luck tonight, you'll be amazing. I love you." He smiles.

"Um yeah, love you too." I say unconvincingly, hanging up quickly.

I do love him and I know we've only been together for four months but I really fell for him. He was first to tell me he loves me, it was a cute moment. I miss him a lot and he's busy all the time, I can't help but feel like he hasn't got time for a relationship.

On top of that, I can't tell anyone we're an item because it could potentially ruin his career and not just his career but Leo's too. I notice I have a message so as per usual I open it.

Unknown ID: Hope you don't slip up tonight. Wish I could be front row but I'll always be your number one fan.

Is this person here? Are they going to pull a little stunt? God I wanna know who this psycho is. "How's my little model doing?" Ariana asks as she approaches me. "I'm good. You look amazing." I compliment. "Awh thank you." She smiles. We talk about arrangements and stuff related to that until Melissa approaches us with a bouquet of pretty flowers. "Skyler these were delievered here for you." Melissa says as she reads the card. "It says they're from your number one fan." She says holding them up. "Sky get away from those they're bushdasies!" Ariana pushes me away. "What's wrong with bushdasies?" Melissa furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "I'm crazy alergic to them." I step further back. "Oh dear I'll get rid of them." Melissa rushes away.

At that moment it all clicks. Number one fan. It's the same anonymous texter. They have access to my medical files? This is going too far. Wayyy too far.

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