Surpises in New York

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"You're there safe yeah?" Ari asks from the other end of the phone line. "Yes I'm safe don't worry." I laugh. "Okay I'll call you later stay safe! Can I talk to Dad for a second?" She asks hopefully.
I pass the phone to my father who is currently pulling my suitcase out of the car. They begin chatting as I glance around the environment.

I'm currently in New York which is crazy! My Dad and I fixed things between us and I'm staying at his appartment for the week. It's been 7 months since Charlie left. His tour ran a 'little overtime' and I decided to surprise him in New York.

Leo texted me telling me that they're going to be in New York this week and next week so I figured why not. I can't wait another few weeks to see him, I need to see him now. So Ari arranged it all and I'll be here for a week. "Okay Let's head upstairs." My dad smiles, handing me my phone.

We enter the fancy, modern building and take the elevator up to the twelfth floor, the upperclass floor.

"Emily is really excited to meet you." He pulls out his keycard as we halt at the end of the hallway in front of a door. Emily, is my father's girlfriend. About five or six months ago my Dad started dating her and apparently it's going really well. I'm happy she makes my Dad happy and am looking forward to meeting her.

"Em?!" My Dad calls out as he pushes open the door and drags my suitcase behind him. "Yeah in the kitchen!" I hear a feminine voice as I step inside. I admire the fancy furniture and expensive cream couch. He places my suitcase down beside me and rushes into what I presume is the kitchen.

"Hi, you must be Skyler? I've heard so much about you. I'm Emily." A woman enters holding out her hand for me to shake. I take in her appearance. Not too short and not too tall, dark brunette hair, thin and really pretty. She looks about late thirties even though I know she's in her forties.

"Yeah I'm Skyler. It's great to meet you." I shake her hand with a smile.

"You are so gorgeous." She compliments. "Oh thank you." A blush creeps onto my cheeks.

"So your dad tells me you're hear for the week." She starts conversation. "Yeah I'm surprising my boyfriend." I state. "Awh that is so sweet." She gushes.

After chatting to her and my dad for a while, Emily has to pick up her son, Ryan, from kindergarten. "So what do you think?" He asks sitting down next to me on the sofa. "She's great. Really dad I'm happy for you." I say truthfully.

"Thank you. And I'm just making sure, you're okay aren't you?" He speculates. "I'm fine Dad. Don't worry."

"And how's the therapy and support group going?" He questions. "I like support group. I didn't think I would but I've met some great people. And therapy is helping, I'm getting better." I answer honestly. "And the um, the cutting thing?" I can tell he feels awkward talking about these things. I don't feel awkward at all considering I have to talk about these issues very often. "Clean for months." I grin.

"Good." He nods.

My phone bleeps and I pick it up from the coffee table.

Leo : Hey! Just got to the hotel can't wait to see the look on Charlie's face! x

I text a quick reply, extremely excited. I've missed him so much. Dad shows me to my room so I can change my clothes due to the fact my sweatpants and hoodie weren't cert stylish.

I decide on wearing my black high waisted jeans and my white Nirvana tee. I run a brush through my hair and touch-up my makeup.

I enter the living room area and see my dad scanning through the newspaper. "I'm gonna head to the hotel now." I inform. Luckily the hotel the boys are staying in is only two blocks away from my dad's appartment building. "Okay. Stay safe." He looks up from his newspaper. "I will bye." I say exiting the room.

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