I believe in you

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It was later on that night. Nobody was here except for me and occasionally the nurse would come in to check on me. All the boys came in today along with Ariana.

All blaming themselves. Finding the smallest tiniest reasons why I'm in this bed at the moment to blame themselves. It's not their fault. It's mine.

If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't even be in L.A. right now. I wouldn't be lying unconscious on this bed if it weren't for myself.

I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards my bed. "Jai what if she doesn't wake up." Ariana cried. "She will baby, I promise" he reassured her. I felt someone take hold of my hand.

"Sky, please try wake up. I believe in you." Ariana whispered. I needed to wake up. It was now or never. It took all my strength. Everything in my body hurt. It was agonising. But after all my efforts my eyes fluttered open and I began coughing. "Oh my god. Jai go get the nurse!" Ariana demanded. Ariana handed me a cup of water and sat on the edge of my bed.

I graciously took the cup of water and began to drink the ice water. My head began pounding and I winced in pain. "Are you okay?" Ariana asked. "Yeah I'm great falling off a ladder really does the head some good." I remarked.

She looked taken aback by my response and I soon regretted saying that. "I'm sorry Ari." I apologised.

"No, its my fault I deserved that." she replied. I laid back down when I finished my water and the nurse came rushing in, pressing buttons on machines. "How are you feeling?" The nurse asked kindly. "Never better." I lied. "I better call Luke, he's been worried sick." Jai decided.

The nurse pressed a few more buttons then left the room leaving me and Ariana alone.

"I don't know what to say." she uttered. "I do." I said with confidence. "First of all, everything you said when I was asleep, I could here you." I spoke quietly.

Her facial expression dropped and looked worried. "And second of all I'm really sorry." I added. "What for?" She asked. "Everything." I simply said. "For the worry and stress and aggravation I've caused in only less the four days, just send me back home and say to mom as dad I was too difficult and you don't want me." I sighed.

"Nobody wants me." I added. She was about to reply but Luke burst through the door. "Oh my god thank god your alright!" He shouted engulfing me in a hug. "Ouch." I cried in pain. "Sorry." He apologised, releasing his grip of me and standing upright. "Luke calm I was only asleep for less then two days." I giggled. "Two days too many" he smiled. I smiled back and Jai entered the room with who I presume was the doctor.

"Hello Miss Grande. Its nice to see your awake. How's your head" she asked, staring at her clipboard. "Swell." I joked. Luke chuckled but Ariana gave me an unapproving look.

"Its sore but not too bad." I lied. "Can you try sitting up for me?" She asked kindly. I tried sitting up but fell back down. My head felt like it was pounding out of my skull. "Were you lying when you said it wasn't too bad?" She asked, not sounding mad but amused. "A little bit." I admitted. "Just rest for a while then I'll come back in an hour or so to check on you." she smiled. "Thank you Dr. Martin" Ariana thanked.

"When can I go home?" I whined, getting impatient. "Do you want me to ask the doctor?" Ariana asked me. "Yeah please" I requested. "Here I'll come with you." Jai offered. They left and I was alone with Luke.

He sat down in the seat Ariana was just in and cleared his throat. "So how are you?" He asked awkwardly. I turned my head to him and raised an eyebrow. He face palmed himself and I giggled. "How are you? You look very tired and stressed." I asked Luke. "I'm fine" he replied. "Luke.." I trailed on. "Yes.." He replied, in the same tone. "When I was unconscious I could hear everything you said." I admitted. "Seriously?" He questioned. "Yeah and I want you to know it's not your fault.

None of this is. It was a prank that just went wrong and I don't blame you one ounce of a bit." I declared. The door opened and Jai came in but Ariana only popped her head in. "Luke can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked. He nodded and left the room.

"So how are you feeling?" Jai asked. "What is with everybody asking that question I mean can't a girl just fall off a ladder without anyone asking if she's okay?" I questioned in a serious tone but I was joking. "Because you gave us all a heart attack." he replied with sass.

"I'm bored, when can I come home?" I rolled my eyes. "When your feeling up to it." he answered. "Well I feel great, like I could literally jump out of bed right this second and do some Irish Dancing so I think I'm good to go." I lied.

I tried sitting up and too my surprise my head wasn't pounding anymore. "If I can't go home can I at least have a shower I feel gross" I asked. "Are you sure your up to i?t" he worried. "Yes I promise. Did Ariana bring any clothes?" I questioned.

"Emm yeah but she was in a rush so she grabbed one of her old dresses." he informed me. He searched a bag and handed me a white dress with a pink floral pattern. "Ew I hate dresses." I spoke in disgust. I stood up from the bed and pain rang through my body. I still could walk though.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower and stripped off and got in. The warm water released me from the pain. After I was finished I wrapped myself in a towel. I looked in the mirror that was over the sink. I had scratches all over my face. I sighed. I dried off and slipped into the dress. I was about to unlock the door and leave but I heard Ariana, Jai and Luke talking.

I know I'm eavesdropping but obviously there talking about me or they would have been having the conversation when I was there.

"I'm just really worried about her." Ariana stressed. "She's a strong girl, shell be fine." Luke reassured her. "You won't believe what she said to me today when she woke up. She said that I should just send her back to my parents because she just causes aggravation and she think nobody wants her." she cried. See how many times you've made Ariana cry.

I unlocked the door and left the bathroom. Ariana looked at me and smiled, wiping away her tears. "You look beautiful" she complimented. "Thanks" I replied. "Good news, if you feel well enough, you can go home now." she smiled.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. "Yep, so are you ready?" She questioned. "Yeah." I replied. We left the hospital doors and emerged to the car. Ariana and Jai sat in the front and Luke and I sat in the back of the car. We were both at the window seats. I yawned and Luke noticed. "Tired?" He asked. I nodded. "You can rest your legs across me and take a nap." I smiled at him gratefully and rested my legs on top of him and soon drifted off to sleep.

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