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"Hey Sky! We miss you so much!" Zoe exclaimed with Matt sitting beside her. Apparently they've sorted through stuff and made up. Matt and Kaitlyn are still unfortunately together but he's happy.

"I miss you guys too, I wish I could hug you both." I frowned.

We were currently on Skype together while Ariana was at work. I sat in the living room with the laptop on my lap. "Virtual hugs darling." Zoe chuckled. "How is everything in Boca? Any news?" I asked.

"Umm well remember Amelia you're best friend from your old school before you moved to ours?" Matt asked, leaving out the whole fact I was expelled from my old school. "Yeah. We were so close and then all of a sudden she turned into a slut and hated me." I nodded. "She's pregnant." Zoe spoke causing my jaw to drop. I knew she was bad but not this bad. "Oh my God." I gasped. "Who's the father?" I questioned curiously. "Well you know Max your ex boyfriend...." Matt trailed on.

"No way." I shook my head. "It can't be he was so innocent." I denied. "Not so innocent anymore." Zoe laughed. "Yeah suppose." I shrugged. "How are things in L.A.? Any news there?" Zoe asked.

I thought about telling them that Charlie and I are together but I didn't know what to say. "Umm my homecoming dance was last week so that was fun. And that's about it I think." I lied. There was more to say.

The doorbell sounded and i put the laptop on the coffee table. "Give me one second while I get that!" I called out as I was walking away. I swung the door open to reveal Charlie. "Hey gorgeous." He smiled. "Hi. I didn't know you were coming over." I stepped to the side to allow him space to enter. He stepped inside and pecked my lips.

"Well I know that Ariana's working today so I figured you would be alone so I came over to keep you company. I should've called sorry." He apologised charmingly. "Its fine. I'm on Skype to Matt and Zoe so come say hi. They don't know we're together and if you don't want them to know we won't tell them." I assured. "They're your best friends right?" He asked. "Yeah." I nodded. "Then tell them just make sure word doesn't get out." He smiled. "Thank you." I kissed him.

I took hold of his hand and lead him back to the couch. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I picked up the laptop and placed it on my lap once again. "Matt you remember Charlie right?" I asked. "Yeah hey." He smiled. "Damn you're Charlie?" Zoe gawked. "You must be Zoe. I've heard a lot about you." Charlie laughed.

"Eyes off Zo. He's mine." I joked. "Woah what?!?" She screamed. "You're a thing! What? When? How? Spill!!" She shouted. "It's a secret okay so you can't tell anyone. Please promise me you won't say anything." I begged.

"Awh you guys are so cute! Okay I swear I won't tell anyone." Zoe nodded. "You hurt her and I will kill you." Matt said deadly serious. "I won't hurt her." He reassured, placing his hand on my thigh. "I'm just making sure." Matt raised a brow.

"Okay we're gonna have to go. My mom wants to take us out to dinner, we'll talk to you soon love you!" Zoe informed. "I love you too." I blew kisses to the screen. "Bye." They waved and then the screen went black.

I turned my head to face Charlie. "What do you wanna do?" I asked curiously. "Umm we could go for a walk in the park." He suggested. "Nah its raining outside." I frowned. "Umm we could watch tv." He shrugged. "Nah thats boring." I snuggled into him. "I have a suggestion." I sat up. "And what's that?" He enquired.

"Well we could do this." I straddled his lap and pushed my lips against his. We haven't made out since the dance because we can't act like a couple in school or in public. I pulled away and raised my eyebrows. "Yeah we could do this too." He laughed reconnecting our lips together. My hands were placed on his chest as his hands were on my waist. He pulled back and paused for a second. "Can I just remind you you're amazing in every aspect?"

Ariana's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now