Goodbye's and Hello's

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"Sky we're going to be really late for the airport if you don't hurry up!" my dad called from downstairs. "I'll be there in a minute!" I called back.

I took one last look in the mirror. Skyler this is a new beginning and you are going to change and make people proud of who you are.

"Skyler I'm going to miss you so so so so much!" Zoe cried into my shoulder as I reached the bottom step of the stairs.

"I'm going to miss you so so so much too but seriously calm down I'll be back soon" I stated. She stood up properly and looked me in the eye. Those crystal blue eyes of hers were amazing and I longed for blue eyes like hers. "Okay I'll save the rest of my tears for the airport." she chuckled. I smiled at her and made my way outside to put my bags in the car.

"Oh so your finally leaving, praise the freaking lord." a voice from behind me said. I cringed at the tone of her voice. It was Kaitlyn. Oh how I hated Kaitlyn, she's the girl who bullied me days on end and still does. That's one good upside to moving away. "Yeah Kaitlyn I am going and I think I should be praising the lord for blessing me because I don't have to look at your ugly face anymore." I replied with sass in my voice. I don't know where all this confidence was coming from but I liked it ...a lot.

She rolled her eyes in response. "Keep rolling your eyes bitch, maybe you'll find a brain back there " I said with a smirk on my face. She turned back around and stormed into her house which is next to mine unfortunately.

After she was gone my parents and Zoe came out to get in the car. I was about to get in the car but I was interrupted by a voice behind me, "Skyler!" It called out again and I automatically knew it was Matthew. I turned around as he made his way up to me. We were face to face.

"Thank god I caught you before you left, I wanted to say one final goodbye before you left." he said to me. "Don't worry I'm not going forever just a few months and I'll be right back beside you annoying you everywhere you go." I smirked. "You don't annoy me, I'm going to miss your whining though." he smirked and I knew he was joking but I decided to play along. "And I'm going to miss your constant yapping on and on" I joked. "Okay enough with the jokes, I am actually going to miss you so much" he embraced me in a hug. "Don't worry you have Lexi she'll keep you company." I replied. "I suppose but she's my girlfriend your my best friend so I'll be missing my best friend for months." he confessed.

"Sky we're going to have to get going" my dad said. Could he not see I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Parents these days. "Well I have to get going, bye Matt." I kissed him on his cheek then stepped into the car. I waved to Matthew as his figure got smaller in the distance.

"Okay I guess this is goodbye." my dad stated. "Bye." I said sourly. I was still pissed at him for sending me away. "Oh sweety I'm going to miss you so much." my mom embraced me with a tight hug but soon released me. "Bye." I responded sourly to her too.

After all it was the both of them who are sending me away. "Okay this is my last goodbye I promise." Zoe sniffled. I hugged her tightly. "Bye Zo" I spoke, trying to not cry which was easy for me seeing as how I haven't cried in 7 years.

"I love you don't make any new best friends okay!" She warned me."I won't, bye." I gave her one last hug then boarded my plane without looking back because I knew it would lead me to tears if I did.

"Excuse me miss we will be taking off in a few moments, if you could buckle your seatbelt, thank you." the flight attendant told me. "Yes of course thanks." I replied.

Wow your going to see your sister after more then two years. I thought to myself. I didn't even care that she didn't keep her promise at this point I just wanted to see her again. I missed her more then I even thought.

I put in my earphones and played my music.

"Excuse me miss." I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked to me left. "We will be landing soon" the flight attendant spoke in a kind tone. "Oh thank you very much." I thanked. I took out my earphones that weren't even playing music. Obviously my playlist ended whilst I was asleep.

The plane landed and I was getting my carry on luggage out of the overhead compartment when someone ran into me. "Oww." I squealed in pain. "Oh sorry old lady." a kid about 9 apologised to me. "Its okay." I forgave. Although I didn't like being called an old lady, the child was only young.


"Skyler!!!!" A voice called out from behind me as I made my way through the airport. I turned around and dropped my suitcase when I saw Ariana standing there. I ran to her and jumped into her arms. She hugged me she would never let go. "I missed you so much." I confessed. "I-i missed you too." she stuttered as tears were streaming down her face. She took hold of my arms and quickly pulled them back remembering the scars I have. Ariana looked at me with sad eyes but quickly began smiling again.

Phew that was close, you idiot remember to wear your bracelets! I felt guilty because she probably thought I didn't want her to touch me "We have so much catching up to do." I changed the subject. "Oh my goodness." she spoke looking at me in amazement.

"What is it?" I asked beginning to get nervous. "That necklace." she stated and picked up the heart that hung on the silver chain which hung around my neck.

"After all this time you still kept this necklace." she smiled widely. "Well yeah I mean you gave it to me?" I said but it came out more as a question then a statement. "Well we better get going the boys are waiting at the house and if I leave them alone too long, the house could be burnt down by the time we get back." she chuckled. Boys? Wait what? "Ariana what do you mean by boys?" I asked. "Oh yeah well you know Jai-" she started speaking but I interrupted. "Oh your boyfriend who mom and dad talk constantly about." I teased. She blushed but continued. "Well him and his 2 brothers and 2 friends, have you heard of the janoskians?"

"Wait your dating Jai Brooks?" I asked sounding a little too interested. "Yeah why are you some crazy fangirl." she teased. "No I've just heard of him and his friends" I played off trying to sound cool. Good thing is I'm a really good liar. "Well let's go so you can meet them." she smiled as we walked out of the airport.

A new beginning Sky a new beginning

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