Rehearsal Dinner

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Skyler's P.O.V

I wake up with a blinding headache. My head feels as if my skull had shrunk overnight.

I open my eyes, the bright light making my headache ten times worse. I sit up and realise I'm on a couch, not in my comforting bed. In actual fact I'm not even on my couch.

What the hell happened last night? Where am I?

I glance around trying not to panic due to the fact I don't recognise where I am at all. I look around to try an spot my phone or my keys or any of my belongings. I see my boots on the floor but that's about it.

Okay Sky you're wearing your clothes that's a good sign.

I stand up and look around to see if there are any clues as to who's apartment this is.

I spot a few pictures hanging on the wall. Pictures of Charlie and his friends.

This must be Charlie's apartment.

My eyes glue to the last picture hanging on the wall in a gorgeous white frame. It's a picture of me and him, asleep and cuddling on the sofa. It was taken a long time ago, pretty sure Ariana took this.

I can help but wonder why he kept this picture. Why he framed it and has it hanging in his apartment.

"Morning." I hear a masculine voice from behind me. "Hey." I turn around to be met with a shirtless Charlie. "How are you feeling?" He asks, running his hand through his hair. "My head hurts. A lot." I frown, causing him to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I ask, making my way back to the couch. "Nothing." He shakes his head, joining me on the sofa.

"What happened last night?" I ask. His face drops at my question. "Do you remember anything?" He asks, sounding a little nervous.

"No but I usually remember things a few days after a night out. I'd really like to know what happened now." I say, fiddling with my rings.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He questions. "Sitting at the bar? Bella left with some guy, I think." I state a little uneasy. "Oh then you came over!" I begin remembering, but that's all I can recall.

"That's it." I shrug.

"Your drink got spiked and you were in a really bad state. You were on the roof of the club, threatening to jump. I talked you down and you slipped. I caught you though, I called Ariana and told her that you'll stay in mine. You weren't in any state for me to bring you back to her." He informs briefly.

"You saved me?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Yeah." He shrugs. "How did you talk me down?"

I have so many questions circling around in my head, unfortunately I don't know how to put them into words.

"I just reminded you of all the people who love you." He nods. "That it?" I ask. He takes a while to contain plate what to answer.

"Yeah, that's it." He answers after a long pause. I pull him into a tight hug. God it feels good to hug him again.

"Thank you." I whisper. "What for?" He responds. "Taking care of me." I release him, still close to him. He stares into my eyes, our faces inches apart.

"I should em, get home." I manage to whisper. "I'll drive you." He decides.

After a twenty minute drive we arrive at my sister's mansion.

I walk into the house, Charlie behind me. "I'm home!" I call out as I close the door.

"Sky!" Luke yells and runs to hug me. "Luke, hangover shhhh." I groan.

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