Big News

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I called Luke and within a few minutes he came to collect me. We were in the car listening to music on the radio. "How did she take the news?" Luke asked. "Badly, but I convinced her it would be okay" I answered. "Where is this driver taking us, the hotel is the other way" Luke said suspiciously. My heart stopped. "What do you mean" I said worriedly. "I mean that we should have taken a left way back there. He brought me to the hotel earlier and he knew where it was" he said confusedly. "You don't think he's kidnapping us do you?" He added.

I stopped breathing I was so worried. "Just kidding!" He laughed. "Luke i hate you!" I exclaimed. I hit him on the shoulder. We reached the hotel and went straight up to the room. When Luke opened up the door I was gob-smacked. The room was huge. It had a cream sofa and a white carpet. "This hotel room is bigger then my old house!" I shouted.

He chuckled at immaturity. I dropped my bag in the middle of the floor and ran to the couch. I jumped up into the air and plopped down on it. "This is the life!" I shouted. "Okay when you're finished being a child, let me know so we can order dinner" Luke laughed. "I'm entitled to be a child, I'm under the age of sixteen" I said cheekily. He stuck his tongue out at me in response. "I'm not hungry" I added. "You have to eat" he disagreed. "Like I said, I'm not hungry" I argued. He huffed and stormed off out of the hotel room door. I didn't know why he was so pissed at me, I just wasn't hungry.

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Even thought I head one earlier I felt groggy after the plane journey. After my shower I changed into a pair of pyjama shorts and a white pyjama crop top, that I packed in my bag. I went back to the couch and lay down. I was physically and emotionally drained. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I opened them when I felt coldness all over me. I opened my eyes to see Luke standing over me with a bucket. "You did not just pour a bucket of water over me!" I screamed. "Maybe I did" he smirked. "Luke you are so dead!" I screamed and stood up. "Prepare to die" I added. He dropped the bucket and ran to the bathroom. He slammed the door behind him and locked it. "What the fuck was that for!" I screamed through the closed door.

I just heard him laugh in response. "Luke! If you don't come out in three seconds I am going to leave this hotel room and never come back!" I threatened. I heard the door unlock and he opened it. He had an evil smirk on his face as he emerged from the bathroom. "Why did you do that" I said angrily. "Because i was really pissed at you" he answered. "What did I do!" I defended. "You wouldn't eat" he replied. "So you did that because I wasn't hungry" I said pissed off as ever. "No, because I know that you're" he paused for a second. "Anorexic" he added quietly. "No I'm not" I disagreed. "Really when was the last time you ate?" He asked.

I paused for a moment. I didn't realise it had been so long since I ate last. He gave me a blank stare whilst waiting for my answer. It then hit me that I've not really gotten over my anorexia. Luke is right but I don't want him to worry about me. Tell him the truth sky and he'll understand. "Earlier today" I lied. God dammit Skyler I said tell him the truth not lie straight to his face. "Really?" He said sarcastically. "Skyler I know your lying" he added. "I'm not" I lied again. "Skyler quit it with the lying!" He exclaimed in frustration. The room went dead silent as I stared at him in surprise. He never yelled at me like that and it scared me.

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