Prank Gone Wrong

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I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name. I opened my eyes and saw Luke standing in front of my bed poking me. "Luke poke me one more time and you will lose your hand " I threatened.

"Oh I'm so scared" Luke said,  his voice dripping with sarcasm. "What do you want?" I said rather rudely. "That's no way to talk to your best friend." he joked. "Luke what do you want." I said beginning to lose my patience. "Ariana wants you." he grinned like a toddler. "Ughh." I groaned. I sat up and stretched my arms then stood up.

I walked past Luke and was almost out the door when he called me back in. "Yes Luke." I smiled sweetly. "I like your shirt." he complimented. "Thanks." I smiled.

"Ariana this better be a good reason to be waking me up or I will have to kill you." I said as I walked through the kitchen door but stopped in my tracks as I saw Jai and Ariana making out.

"Oh my God my eyes are burning!" I shouted. Luke came running in looking worried. "What's wrong?" He asked me panicked. "I walked in on Jai and Ariana swallowing each other." I said covering my eyes. "Aww you poor thing." he said whilst hugging me. "When you guys are done fucking each other, let us know so we can come back in." Luke joked.

He released me from the hug and I saw how red Ariana looked but Jai was just laughing it off. "So what did you want me for?" I asked awkwardly. "Oh yeah, okay well we need to go shopping for new clothes for you." she smiled. "But I already have clothes" I answered. "There's always room for more besides its a good way to spend time together." she replied.

"Oh and also school stuff" she added on. "Okay so go get dressed." she changed the subject. "Wait school, seriously?" I asked hoping it was a joke. "You know you have to go to school Sky, your not here for a vacation." Ariana stated. "Then why is she here?" Luke asked confused.

Really Ariana, you dropped me in it this time. "What I mean is she isn't here just for the fun, she still has to have an education." Ariana lied. I was surprised at how good a liar she was.

"When do I have to start?" I asked referring to me starting school. "Next Monday so you have a whole week to relax and have fun." she assured me. "Now go get ready." she added.

Once I was in my room I headed to the bathroom to have a shower. I locked the bathroom door and turned the water on. I stripped off and then got in. When I was finished I wrapped my towel around me and exited the bathroom to go to my closet.

I picked out some white high wasted jeans and a pink loose fitted crop top and slipped them on. I dried my hair and styled it into a messy ponytail.

Ariana taught me how to for this years ago, she would also always pick out my clothes. I smiled for the first time ever at my appearance in the mirror. A new beginning Sky.

It was deadly silent as I was walking down the stairs. I knew something was up. I tip-toed down the stairs to ensure nobody would here me. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I headed for the kitchen. I looked behind me for a few seconds, then looked forward and was startled by the boys who were in front of me with water guns. Skyler move your feet and run before you get soaked.

"Hello Skyler." Luke smiled evilly. "Guys please don't soak me!" I screamed. Ariana ran in but looked regretful when she saw the boys. "On the count of three, we run to my bedroom." she whispered to me.

"1." she whispered. "2." I whispered. "3!!" We screamed and ran upstairs. They chased us but we were too fast for them. We got into Ariana's room and she locked the door. "Emm Ariana, how are we going to get to the mall?" I questioned. "Ummm the window!" She smiled. "We're on the second floor how will we get down?" I replied. "There's a ladder there from the window cleaner, I remember he left it there yesterday because he will be back tomorrow." she spoke as she paced towards the window and opened it, revealing a long, silver, shiny ladder.. "Okay you go first" I said nervously.

She opened the window then sat on the ledge and twirled herself around and started to climb down. Once she was down I knew it was my turn. Did I forget to mention I'm terrified of heights? Considering we were on the third floor, this wasn't going to be easy for me. I did the same as Ariana as to getting onto the ladder.

Don't look down Sky, whatever you do don't look down. Failing to listen to myself I looked down and got dizzy. Everything started spinning and I was losing balance. Then suddenly everything went black.

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