Home sweet Home

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As we got through the front door i automatically went to the couch and lay down. I didn't know how I could be so exhausted. "Skyler, you must be starving." Ariana announced. I just realised then that I hadn't eaten in days and I really was starving.

"Yeah" I replied. "Will I make you something to eat?" She offered. "Yes please" I requested. "Do you expect me to sit on the floor?" Luke argued as he entered the room. "Are you worthy of some couch?" I asked seriously but I was joking.

"Don't make me throw you out the window" he said. I started to laugh because it had already happened. Luke just realised what he said and began apologising at once, "oh my God that was so insensitive I'm so sorry" he apologised. "Luke its fine" I forgave through laughter. I moved my legs so he could sit down. He sat down and turned on the TV to the music channel and Bang Bang came on.

Ariana heard the music and came running in to watch the video.

I don't understand why because she made the video. "Ariana what time is it?" I asked but she was too memorised by her video. "Luke, what time is it?" I sighed. "2:30, why?" I just ignored his question and asked another. "Is there a park around here?" I asked. "Yeah just down the road, why?" He asked. "Just need some fresh air, tell Ari that I'm gone to the park and she can eat whatever she made me when she snaps out of it" I giggled. I stood up and left the living room. Before I left I went to my room and changed into an All Time Low shirt and black jeans. I left the house and made my way out of the gate. I went down the street and followed the signs until it led me to the park. I sat down on the wooden bench and took in the scenery. It was so peaceful.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A girl about my age asked me. "Its all yours" I smiled. She sat down and let out a big breath. "Wait a second, your Ariana Grande's little sister!" She said with enthusiasm. I sighed. "Yep" I agreed. "You don't seem to thrilled" she said. I turned to face her. "I am" I lied. "I'm Cherry" she smiled and put out her hand for me to shake. I shook her hand and smiled. She was not too pale but not too tanned. She had black hair that was dip dyed blonde. She had deep green eyes. She was very pretty. "I'm Skyler, as you probably know if you knew I was related to Ariana" I chuckled. "Hold the phone, I thought you were in hospital." She looked stunned. "Wait, how did you know about that?" I asked confused. "It's all over Twitter" she answered. "Oh, well I got out today and needed fresh air hence why I'm here" I smiled. "Are you on twitter?" I asked her. "Yeah my username is 'Cherry.ie'" she smiled. I took out my phone and followed her on twitter.

I have 45,000 followers but its just because of Ariana and me being a Grande. "You followed me" she smiled whilst looking at her phone. My phone binged and I looked at the message I just received.

From: Lukeyy

Ariana needs you back now so come home peasant!!!!

I giggled at his immaturity. "I have to go now but I'll see you around?" I said to Cherry. "Yeah I'll see you around" she smiled widely.

"Ariana I'm back!" I called out. There was no response. I walked to the kitchen and saw a note on the kitchen table.


I got called to the studio for an emergency meeting. The boys went back to their house. I told Luke to text you but I think he texted you something completely different. I'll be back at 9:30 call me if there's any problems and don't open the door to any strangers

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