You're Leaving?

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I woke up at about 9:00 a.m. and took a shower and changed into a band tee, jeans and my white converse. I put on my necklace that brought so many memories back to 5 years ago

"Ari I don't want you to go!" I said close to crying but of course I didn't. "Sky I'm going to miss you so much my little baby sister but I'll be back soon I'm going to L.A. for a while to shoot Victorious and once I'm done I'm going to come home and be with you." she said close to tears. "You promise?" I asked innocently. "I promise with all my heart, while I'm gone I want you to have this necklace." and with that she gave me a necklace and boarded her plane with tears streamed down her face.

I gripped the necklace around my neck in my hand and remembered she didn't keep her promise. I snapped out of my thoughts and picked up my phone and put it in my pocket.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen table and sat down and realised my parents weren't awake yet so I wrote a note saying

"gone to Starbucks then to the park I'll be home by lunchtime have a nice morning,


I picked up my keys to the house just in case they aren't home when I get back and made my way out the door.

I started walking down the pathway when two girls around my ages maybe a bit younger then me look at me with wide eyes then quickly run to me. "Hi this might sound weird but are you Ariana Grande's sister?" The shorter one asks with hopeful eyes. Oh great a fan of Ariana's.

"Yes that would be me." I said with a sweet voice and fake smile. "Oh my god Skyler Grande?" the taller blonde one said. "Yes that's me." I replied trying to be nice to Ariana's fans. "We love Ariana so much can you tell her that Marie and Tiffany Welch say we love her?" The shorter one asked.

"Of course I can I would be more then happy to." I didn't lie I want to at least make someone's life happy today so if that's what makes these two girls happy I will do it. "Well I have to go but I will pass on that message." I politely said and left to go to Starbucks.

"What would you like?" the guy behind the counter asked. I had to admit he was very attractive. "I'll have a vanilla frappé to go please." I stated. "One vanilla frappé for one beautiful girl." he cheesed.

I could have sworn I blushed so much I looked like a tomato. "Name please?" He asked. "Skyler." I replied. "Pretty name" he smiled. "That will be $3.40 please?" he asked.

Ariana's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now