Hate, and lots of it

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"I'm home!" Ariana called out as she walked through the front door. I didn't respond.

I was still annoyed at the fact she went to work when she was supposed to be spending time with me. She walked through the living room door and walked to where I was on the couch. She sat down beside me but I kept my focus on the television.

"Sky, are you mad at me?" Ariana asked innocently. I ignored her and carried on watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. She sighed and stood up and walked to the kitchen.

My phone binged and I looked at it. I just received a message from Luke.

From: Lukeyy

Hey baby gurrrrlll, we're coming over tomorrow tell Ariana. I hope your okay after earlier. We'll talk tomorrow. Night xx

I smiled. Luke was like a brother to me. He was there for me and he was funny and cheered me up. I was getting bored of watching TV so I went upstairs to my room. I decided to go on Twitter. I was scrolling through tweets when I saw an endless amount of hate. I read tweets like.

@skyler_xo go kill yourself

@skyler_xo your so worthless just leave Ariana alone she doesn't even like you

@skyler_xo your so ugly and fat

@skyler_xo your just an attention whore.

@skyler_xo slit your wrists !!

There were and endless amount of hate. Tears started to emerse from my eyes and I couldn't take it. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I stamped on a razer and broke the blade out of it. I fell to the floor and ran the blade through my skin. I exhaled calmly as I kept running it through my skin.

It hurt but the pain made me feel better. Blood trickled down my wrist and tears trickled down my face. There was a knock on the door. Uh oh. "Skyler are you in there?" A voice said and I knew it was Ariana's. Oh shit. "Yeah just give me a sec." I replied. I quickly stopped hurting myself and put the blade down on the sink.

I washed my wrists with cold water and wrapped my arm with a towel and held it there for a few seconds to stop the bleeding. I pulled down my sleeve and unlocked the bathroom door. I exited the bathroom and saw Ariana sitting on my bed. "What do you want?" I asked rudely. "I want to talk." she said gently. "About.." I said losing my patience. "Why are you mad at me?" She asked in confusion. I shrugged. "I'm tired can we talk tomorrow?" I responded in a very bitchy tone.

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