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We were walking for about ten more minutes talking about random stuff like homework. We reached a cute little pizza hut and approached the door.

Charlie opened it and gestured for me to walk in first. I stepped in and noticed that this small little place was busy but not crowded. Charlie looked around but then smiled as he looked at some teenagers by a table.

They all smiled at Charlie as we approached and I felt like I was just completely in the way. "Skyler, this is... Rory my best friend, Darren my brother, Callum my other best friend, Sophia, Callum's girlfriend and lastly Casey, my girlfriend." he said the last bit awkwardly. Girlfriend, what!! It felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces.

No Skyler your not upset, you haven't fallen for this boy you just met. I felt a lump form in my throat but I managed to greet them. When we sat down I ended up sitting beside Rory. He smiled at me and I felt him keep looking at me as the others started a conversation.

My mind drifted away whilst they were talking. How could he have a girlfriend? He's flirted with me before or maybe that's just his personality. "Do you Skyler?" I was asked by Rory. "Hmm, sorry what was the question?" I asked whilst a blush creeped onto my cheeks.

I looked over at Casey and Charlie sitting beside each other. They were so lovey-dovey and I felt really, I don't know disappointed. "I was asking if you go to Charlie's school." Rory chuckled.  "Yeah, I do I just started today." I fake smiled. I took in Casey's appearance. She was so pretty and it was noticeable she wasn't wearing any makeup she was just naturally gorgeous. She had light brown hair and piercing blue eyes and tanned skin. They continued a different conversation and my mind resumed to drifting away. "Are you okay?" Rory whispered to me as the others kept on talking about a different subject.

"Emm yeah." I lied adding a fake smile. His only response was a smile. "I'll be back in a sec." I announced as I stood up and followed the signs leading to the restroom.

Once I entered the room I noticed it was empty. I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding onto. I sat up beside the sink and leaned my head against the wall. The door swung open and Sophia walked in. "Hey, I was wondering if you were okay?" She asked kindly. "Yeah, I'm okay." I sighed and, as always faked a smile. "Okay, I don't know you very well but I know that you aren't okay, what's wrong?" she questioned nicely.

"Nothing important, it's not your problem and I don't want to drag you into it, thanks though." I replied. She sighed. "Is it about Charlie?" She asked. Wow this girl is good. "A little." I frowned. She sat up beside me and smiled. "You like him don't you?" She smiled. "No I don't." I said a little too defensively. "Yes you do!" She laughed.

I smiled a genuine smile. It felt nice at the fact somebody actually cared. "But, he's dating Casey so there's nothing I can do." I admitted. "You know, I never really liked Casey." Sophia started. "She's only in that relationship for the fame, whereas Charlie thinks she really loves him. She's a gold-digger too. She always wants Charlie to buy her that bracelet or those shoes." Sophia ranted. "How long have they been together?" I asked curiously. "5 months." she informed me. "Oh gosh." I gasped. "How can she go through with that for that long!" I exclaimed. "She's a bitch who cares about nobody but herself." Sophia giggled.

"The way she acts when he's around is all cute and nice but when he isn't, she can be quite the diva." she chuckled.

"What can I do about it though, I mean she's gorgeous and I can't even compete with that.
" I concluded. "Your just as gorgeous, trust me the truth always comes out in the end, she'll be caught out and Charlie will see who she really is." Sophia assured me. "We better get back or they'll wonder where we are." She finished. I nodded and we both left the bathroom and went back to the table.

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