That Phone Call

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     I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. I looked at the caller ID and read the name 'Charlie'. I rolled my eyes and pressed the answer button. "Hel-" I cut off the voice at the other end of the phone. "Look Charlie I already told you, and explained this to you" I spoke sounding bitchy. "Hello? Is this Skyler ?" A voice asked. I sat up in my bed and held the phone to my ear.

"Yeah" I said wearily. "Well this guy that owns this phone is kind of lying on the sidewalk with bruises and blood all o-over him and this was t-the most recent contact so I called and I'm assuming your his friend" the voice stuttered. "Did you say covered in blood and bruises?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah, he's breathing but not responding when I talk to him I-I think he's unconscious" the person spoke quickly. I recognised it was a feminine voice. "Okay where are you?" I asked whilst getting out of bed and putting on a pair of ugg boots.

"Greenver Street by Greenwood Park. If you keep going up the road past Greenwood Park you will come to it" she said. I looked at the time. 4:36. I rushed down the stairs and grabbed the keys to Ariana's car. I know what you are thinking, 14 and driving well I'm nearly 15 and Matthew taught me and I'm actually really good. I unlocked the front door and stepped outside. The cold air hit my face and I realised I was just in sweats and a tank top but Charlie mattered more then what I look like. I opened the door to the car and sat in it and started up the engine. I reversed out of the driveway and began to drive down in the direction of Greenwood Park.

I kept driving and driving until I saw two figures in the distance. One was standing up and pacing back and forth and one of them was lying on the ground. I pulled over at the sidewalk and turned off the engine. I stepped out of the car and there was a woman looking at me. She was about mid-twenties with brown hair and wore a very flustered expression. "Are you Skyler?" She asked. "Yeah I am" I replied. I looked to the ground and saw Charlie lying there, battered and bruised and covered in blood. "W-what happened?" I stuttered. "I don't know I was walking home from my friends party and I saw him here and I called an ambulance but its taking forever to get here" she said quickly.

"Thank you so much for ringing me, if you want to you can go home and get some sleep" I offered. "Yeah, emm if I give you my number can you call me and tell me if he's alright I know it sounds stalkerish but I want to make sure he's okay" she said. I nodded my head and she began routing in her bag. She took out a business card and handed it to me. "It has my number on it" she spoke softly. I nodded and she gave me a quick smile before walking on. I knelt down to where Charlie was. "Charlie can you hear me?" I asked.

There was no response. "Oh my god" I whispered to myself. "Charlie if you can hear me your going to be okay, I promise" I spoke gently as a tear slipped down my cheek. I heard some sirens and looked to my left to where the sounds were coming from and saw that It was the ambulance. It pulled up directly in front of Ariana's car and people began to emerse from the vehicle. I sighed a sigh of relief as they put Charlie on a stretcher and took him into the ambulance. I climbed in and sat down beside the stretcher and took hold of his hand.

It suddenly struck me that I didn't leave any note for Ariana. I took out my phone from my sweatpants pocket and dialed her number whilst still holding Charlie's hand. It took a while but she eventually answered the phone. "Skyler?" She asked sleepily. "Ariana okay don't scream at me I took your car okay and I'm currently in an ambulance. Don't worry I'm not hurt it's Charlie, I don't know exactly what happened but he's hurt badly and were on our way to St. Luke's hospital" I said quickly. "Oh my gosh okay I'll call Jai and have him bring me to the hospital I'll see you there" she said and the line went dead. I was surprised she even understood me at all considering it didn't make much sense. How did this happen and why was he walking on the sidewalk at four a.m. in the morning.

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