I can hear you?

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Everything was black. I couldn't move. I couldn't talk or open my eyes.

Am I dead? Wait I can here talking. I heard sobs and sniffles. "This is all my fault." A male voice spoke and I automatically classed it as Luke's. "No it's not bro." Another masculine voice said and I couldn't tell who it was, but had an idea it was Jai. "Yes it is, this prank was all my idea." Luke said.

"Luke it's not your fault it's mine, I shouldn't have made her go down that ladder I forgot she was afraid of heights-an-and now I've hurt my baby sister." Ariana said between sobs.

"Hello, Miss Grande, I'm Dr. Martin. We have some good and bad news." A voice spoke  and I presumed it was the doctor.

"The good news is she hasn't suffered any internal bleeding but has a major concussion." Dr. Martin said and I heard louder sobbing then before.

"And I'm afraid she's in a coma not a serious coma though. It was caused by the terrible hit she took to her head. We will notify you if there are any improvements, but if we're lucky she should wake up soon. Keep up the hope and don't worry, we got a little fighter here." She finished.

The sobs died down and I heard someone leave the room. "There is no guarantee she will wake up very soon but there is a possibility, so like I said, keep up the hope." The doctor added.


Hours ticked by and I was alone. It's boring being in a coma. The faster I wake up the better. I didn't know you could hear everything when your in a coma, it's strange because people will say whatever is on there mind.

Like they have no faith in me waking up. I heard the door open and the sound of a chair being dragged across the room.

"Oh my god." I heard Ariana's voice. She clasped onto my hand. "You know, I just get to see you and the next day you wind up here. This is all my fault I'm so sorry. I don't even know if you can here me. I can't help but think why didn't I come home to you. Forgetting that promise I made to you. I wasn't a sister to you all these years, I was a stranger." she sniffled.

"When I first saw you at the airport, and you ran and hugged me, I felt like you forgave me. Then you pulled your hands back and I thought you didn't want me to go near you. But later on that day". she sniffled. "I-i noticed these scars on-on" she continued. Please don't say wrists please don't say wrists.

"These scars on your wrists. It pained me to see them. Scars on such a beautiful young girl. I just have one question I wished you could answer. Why? Why would you hurt yourself. So many people love you and care for you. Why would you do that to yourself?" She cried louder. I heard a door open and footsteps.

"Ariana go home I'll stay with her." I heard Luke's voice. "I can't leave her." she declined. "Ariana, I'll call you if anything happens or if there's any news." He assured. "Okay, you promise?" She asked. "Promise." he promised.

"Hey Skyler." he greeted. "I hope you can here me because if not, I am talking to myself." he chuckled but sad laughs. "I'm so sorry it's my fault." he apologised. "Please hang on for me, I know we haven't known each other long but you're such an amazing girl. I can't lose you so close to meeting you. Ariana told me the real reason you came to live with her for a while." he admitted. "This bad behaviour. To be honest, I didn't even notice anything wrong with your behaviour.

When I met you I saw a beautiful, smart and funny girl. That's why it hurt me when Ariana told me she was worried about you because of these scars on your wrists." he clutched onto my hand. Oh my god how many people have to find out about these scars.

"I wish you could see how great you are." he admitted.

"Ariana told me to try and find out what was troubling you. So when you left to go down stairs to Ariana this morning. I found this journal, I looked inside and saw songs and poems and diary entries about being bullied and depression and feeling unloved." I started to here his voice break a little which broke my heart thinking that I have hurt so many people.

"I know what it feels like, I know what you feel like. Feeling unloved because of someone everyone thinks is better then you. I always thought Jai was the preferred twin. Because he was the better looking one and was more popular, had more friends, was a jock, all the girls would go mad for him. But i got over that feeling. Don't feel unloved because you feel your not as great as Ariana because your just as good, I better shut up now because I'm pretty sure you can't hear me." he finished and kissed my forehead. I heard rustling around and then it was silent.

I wasn't sure if he had gone to sleep or left but now I was alone, alone with my thoughts which was very dangerous.

The next morning Ariana came into the room and sat on the side of my bed. "Good morning." she whispered. It was silent and I could feel her eyes burning into me. She picked up my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey " I heard Luke say sleepily. I presume he just woke up and was talking to Ariana. "Hey." she replied.

"Any improvement?" He asked, referring to my medical state. "No." Ariana sighed. "I'm just going to get a drink I'll be right back." she informed him. She let go of my hand and left the room. "Hey little buddy " Luke took hold of my hand.

"If you can hear me, keep holding on." he spoke in a hushed tone. It took everything in my body to squeeze his hand.

It pained me but I needed him to know I could hear him. I squeezed his hand with all my strength but I knew it wasn't very strong but he did take notice and squeezed back. I heard the door open and footsteps. "Ariana she squeezed my hand!" He practically shouted. "Oh my god!" She squeled. "I think she can hear us." he concluded. "I hope she can." Ariana responded. 

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