The Interview

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I wait backstage, nervously fiddling with my rings. "On in two minutes Skyler." A producer states causing my heart to pound.

"You okay?" Shawn asks, placing a hand on the small of my back. "No. Scared. Very scared." I take a deep breath.

So two weeks ago Ariana got a call saying that the producers wanted me on the Ellen Show. A huge deal. Mine and Shawn's duet went viral and after Ariana's fashion show, I became a lot more known. So two weeks after the phone call I'm waiting backstage to go on. I met Ellen earlier and she is literally the most amazing woman. She's so funny and gave me the nicest pep talk.

My thoughts become scrambled when I'm queud to go on. Shawn gives me a smile as I fix my black jumpsuit. I walk out onto the stage smiling as best I can. The audience cheers loudly and my fake smile is soon replaced by a genuine one. Ellen stands up and hugs me before I sit down in the chair across from her.

"Wow this is so crazy." I admire, smiling widely at the audience. "So this is your first interview am I right?" Ellen asks as I turn back to her. "Yeah, so this is kinda surreal to me." I laugh.

"I'm just gonna clarify here that you're 15 which is so hard to believe, considering well I mean you're so beautiful." She compliments. "Awh thank you." I smile exposing my dimples. "So you modeled in Ariana's fashion show and how was that?" She asks sounding very interested. "It was amazing. Gave me the insight of the glamerous life. I loved it." I answer.

"Now you're rumoured to be dating Charlie Lenehan, one of the boys from the British duo Bars and Melody." She brings up. "Rumoured being the key word." I laugh. "Ah I didn't hear you deny it." She catches me out. I laugh trying to act cool under pressure.

"No Charlie and I are just best friends. Apparently every guy I'm seen with is my new mystery boyfriend." I chuckle, sliding into a different conversation. "Yeah that's what will happen considering you've kinda been rocketed into this life of fame this past month." She nods. "On to your duet with Shawn Mendes who apparently you're also dating." She laughs.

"I love Shawn so much. He's literally the sweetest person I've ever met and I loved singing with him." I smile. "Love as in a friendship way I'm presuming." She laughs. "We're only friends." I clarify.

"And of course you're preforming with him later which we all look forward to."

"Yes very excited for that." I respond. "So you haven't always lived in L.A. am I right?" She asks. "Yeah I lived with my parents back in Boca and up until about nine months ago." I state with a smile. "And what made you suddenly decide to live here in L.A?" She questions.

I take a deep breath and remember what Ariana told me. If she asks about moving here you can tell her it's just because we hadn't spent a lot of time together or you can tell her the truth. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

"Well there were a few factors that contributed to it but the main reason was I hadn't seen Ariana in two years." I answer. "Also rumour has it that you've been expelled a couple of times so would you like to clear any of that up or do you just want to leave it at that?" She brings up the topic.

"Well I'm gonna be totally honest. Yes I have been expelled from two schools." I come clean. "Oh really? So why was that?" She follows up. I begin to panic.

"I did some really stupid things like vandalism and just plain bad behaviour in school. It all just added up I guess." I respond. "And why do you think you behaved so badly?" She smiles.

"I guess I just looking for my parents' attention. Considering they were always so busy I felt kinda forgotten. My reputation is one of the reasons I'm here now too." I answer truthfully.

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