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  {I love you all so much!}

I walk down the hallway in search for the number 210. As I near the correct room, my heart begins to quicken it's pace.

I wipe my clammy palms in my black skinny jeans. 208 passes. Oh god this is really happening. 209, Can I really do this? 210. This is it. I knock lightly on the door. Well, there's no turning back now.

I let out a shaky breath, bracing myself for what's on the other side of the door. I can do this, I can do this. Nope I can't do this. I contemplate turning around and running away but before I can make any move the door swings open and I'm met with him.

His eyes widen as he sees me. His lips curl into a surprised grin, which brings a smile to my face and I drop my eyes to the floor. "Sky!" He exclaims excitedly, pulling me into a right embrace and spinning me around, causing me to giggle.

"I bet you didn't expect to see me here huh?" I chuckle lightly, as he sets me down onto the floor.

"Not exactly no. But it's the best surprise I could have imagined," he laughs with me. I bring my eyes up to meet his. I could spend eternity staring into his orbits.

Those eyes of his that could make any girl melt like a popsicle on a hot Californian day. I can't say I missed gazing into his eyes because quite frankly that's a gigantic understatement. "I thought you were on your way to Australia," his eyes narrow in confusion.

"I was." I nod. He looks extra confused at this statement. "I was ready to go, I was on the plane and everything. It sounds really stupid but there was just something inside me that just made it feel wrong. I couldn't go to Australia and that's because well I don't really know why."

"So, what exactly brings you by?" He leans against the doorframe, his black tee clinging to his muscles in every right way possible. Okay my ovaries need to calm down before they explode. "I um," I pause, unaware of how to phrase it.

"I needed to see you,"

"Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly. "I phrased that wrong, I need you,"

His eyes look like they're about to pop out of his head. It takes him a moment to digest what I've just said. "Sky I don't want to hold you back," his smile fades a little. "You're not I swear, I want this," I nod reassuringly.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that," he let's out a relieved sigh before connecting our lips together.


I smile in remembrance of that day as we sit in the hospital waiting room. It's hard to believe it's been four years since. Time really does fly I guess, it's been the craziest four years ever. Touring everywhere with my amazing boyfriend. Modelling in countries I can't even pronounce the name of. Being on billboards, appearing on talk shows. Watching the man I love perform on stage, doing what he loves most. It's madness absolute pure surrealism.

And here we sit in the hospital waiting room. Awaiting the news.

In these sort of situations it makes you reassess everything, whether it's the future or the past. That house you've always dreamed of owning or all your past regrets.

I take a look around the room, gazing at each and every person sitting here with me today, so thankful for what each of them have done for me.

I see James and Beau, cuddled up together in a light slumber. I laugh at the two dimwits snoring softly at each intake of breath. I don't blame them for being tired, it's 3 a.m. Oh my idiots.

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