Telling Zoe

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"Okay, so you'll be staying one night at a hotel after you get there, then you'll go home get your things and have dinner with mom, dad, Luke, your friend Matthew and your friend Zoe then your plane leaves at 9 p.m. tomorrow so you'll be home at about 2:30 a.m. , then you need to unpack when you get back" Ariana explained to me as we were waiting in the airport. I nodded even though only a fraction of it went into my brain.

"I'm gonna miss you" she added with a hug. "Dude its only going to be two days" I laughed. "Well dude I'm still going to miss you, now stay safe" she said adding another hug. I squeezed her tightly I have to admit I was going to miss her too. "And you keep her safe or I'll hunt you down" she threatened Luke. "I'll guard her with my life" Luke promised with a bow. I giggled at his immaturity. "Play nice with mom and dad or don't talk to them at all, I don't want you screaming at them for being bad parents because you don't have to worry about being with them any more" Ariana said to me quietly so only I could hear. "You have to promise me okay" she added. I nodded and gave her another hug. "Boarding flight 312 Boca, Florida" a voice spoke over the intercom. "That's us" I shrugged with a smile. "Okay give me one more hug" Ariana ordered with a giggle. I hugged her then picked up my small bag with clothes for tomorrow. "Shall we get going m'lady?" Luke asked with a fake British accent. "Lead the way my good fellow!" I laughed with the same accent. We walked to the gate waving to Ariana at the same time.

It took a while but we finally boarded the plane. We took our seats at the back and I got the window seat. Once we were finally settled the flight attendant started to give a safety talk and to be honest I wasn't listening to one word of it. "So, how's your boyfriend" Luke whispered childishly. "What boyfriend?" I asked confusedly. "Oh come on do I have to spell it out for you?" He whispered back. There were a few 'shhhs' from the others on the plane. I assumed they were actually trying to listen to this talk.

After about ten minutes of the talk it was finally over. "Okay so how is he" he repeated. "Who?" I asked. "Charlie" he said with a smirk. I immediately smacked him in the arm. "No!" I denied. "No I'm only joking but seriously how is he" he said seriously. "Improving" I said flatly. "You have a crush on him" he said in a high-pitched voice. "Do not!" I exclaimed in denial. My face started to heat up and I knew I was going very red. "I don't believe you" he teased. "He has a crush on you too" he laughed. "No he doesn't, besides he just broke up with his girlfriend he probably isn't even thinking about girls" I babbled on. "Who you loven'," I giggled. He went as red as a tomato and I chuckled. "Awww does lukeypoo have a crush" I said in a baby tone. "No" he lied. "Who is it" I asked. "Nobody you know" he stated. "Maybe I do know them" I laughed. "Her name is Maia" he said quietly. "We're really good friends and that's all she sees me as" he said sadly. "What makes you think that?" I asked. "Because she looks at me the way all my friends look at me, not the way Charlie looks at you" he admitted. I felt my face heat up a second time. "Stop it" I ordered. I put my earphones in and turned on some music. I remembered that when I was in Boca living my life in the worst way possible, damaging myself everyday, one thing that would help would be music, it just kept me going. All the songs I listened to inspired me to try and be a better person but every time I tried to improve my life, there were the bullies and my grades and my parents and my life got screwed up pretty quickly. Going to L.A. really changed my life, if I didn't go to Ariana's I would be worse then what I was a few weeks ago. Ariana has saved my life.

"Skyler! Wake up" I heard Luke say. He was shaking me, I didn't realise I had fallen asleep. My playlist had ended and the earphones had fallen out of my ears. "Are we there yet?" I asked sleepily. "Nope I was just bored" he chuckled. I groaned and hit him in the arm. "Just kidding we're about to land" he said childishly. And Ariana thought he would take care of me? More like the other way around.

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