Visits and Tutoring

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"Wassup buttercup." I greeted as I reached my locker, seeing Charlie waiting for me at it.

"The sky, butterfly." He smiled. "Good one. I like it." I opened my locker, packing my books into my bag.

"So. I shall be walking you home today." He stated, with a charming smile. "You don't have to." I closed my locker. "I don't want you freaking out about seeing your dad the whole way home. So as my role of a friend, I must distract you from worry." He said sweetly.

"Aww. You're a cutie." We began walking and talking.

I wanted to ask him about what he wanted to tell me. I really wanted to but I didn't want to pressure him. What if he decided not to tell me?

Millions of questions ran through my head. "Sky?" Charlie's voice interrupted my train of thought. "Hmm, yeah?" I looked up. "Is something on your mind?" He stopped walking and turned to face me.

"No, no I'm fine." I shook my head. I knew by his facial expression he didn't believe me, but he knew not to push it further.

"So when's Matthew going home?" He started the conversation, as we began walking once again. "Friday." I sighed. "I'm presuming by your tone you're not that happy about it."

"No, not really. It's hard living here and him living all the way in Florida. I'm sure its like your friends in England."

"Yeah I know how you feel." He sighed. Silence fell upon us, not an awkward silence, a comfortable silence.

Silence is good sometimes, but the other times it can be dangerous. This time it was dangerous, considering I had time to think about my dad coming.

He's going to hate you! He's going to think you're an attention seeking whore! He's going to make you go back to Boca!

It then hit me. What if he makes me go back to Boca? What if that's why he's visiting. Suddenly I started hyperventilating, I couldn't catch my breath.

Great a fucking panic attack.

"Sky? Skyler are you okay?" Charlie worried. "Sky, okay listen, breath slowly." He placed an arm around my waist. "C'mon slow breaths. Breath in for five seconds and out for seven."

I did as he said and began calming down. "Slow breaths okay?" He asked calmly. I nodded and kept breathing slowly. I didn't realise until then that there were tears falling from my eyes.
"Its okay." He pulled me into a hug. "Its okay." He repeated.

I caught my breath back and pulled away. "I'm sorry." I apologised as I wiped away the tears on my face.

"Hey don't apologise." He brushed a few strands of my loose hair behind my ear. "I probably look a mess." I chuckled slightly. "No, trust me you don't." He smiled.

"What caused that?" He asked gently. "I, umm, I was just over thinking." I shook my head and began walking again.

"What about?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. I stayed quiet, not daring to answer. "Sky, you know you can talk to me about these things." He spoke, causing me to look up.

"I started thinking that my dad might make me go home, as in Florida." I answer his previous question. "Why would he?" He asked another question.

I have to admit, it felt nice to have someone genuinely care about me and listen to my problems.

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