Paladin Danse [FO4]

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• You annoying him on purpose to see how much he can take, but on the other hand he doesn't want to upset you by letting you know that you are annoying

• Him being bossy (out of love) and you being able to argue with him without consequence

• You attempting to get him to loosen up

• You are the only one to see him finally let loose in a bar one night

• You are also the one to take care of his nasty hangover the next morning, which he's very thankful for your care and tells you that all the while

• Constantly teaching each other cool new things (facts, skills, anything that would impress the other)

• Being a dynamic duo


• Him sometimes randomly becoming insecure in your relationship and feeling as if he's not good enough for you (post BB)

• You reassuring him often

• He likes to do small gestures of romance for you, such as cooking a surprise dinner or bringing home a gift he thinks you will like

• There's nothing he loves more than when you sit in his lap. There could be ten empty chairs in the room and he will still prompt you to use his lap as your chair.

• He's not big on PDA, but isn't completely opposed to it if you randomly sneak up and kiss him

• He wants to protect you, of course, forever and always

• He likes to be the big spoon when cuddling, but isn't opposed to being the little spoon every now and then


• He's a mess, moaning and grunting so loud. He says that you two have to be somewhere super private for "safety" reasons, but really it's because he knows if any soldiers or settlers hear him, it's the only talk he'll hear about for a week.

• He definitely loves to be a bottom and especially loves when you take care of him or become more dominant

• This doesn't mean that he can't be dominant, because oh boy, he definitely can. Especially in moments of jealously, he's super dominant and probably the only time he would be rough with you.

• Gentle giant, on that note. Whenever he's in control (except the jealously situation) he tends to treat you very delicately and makes sure you only receive pleasure, no pain.

• The biggest blushing mess a man could ever be

• If he's on bottom, sometimes he will whimper (and if you bring it up after the occasion, he leaves the room to ignore your teasing)

Hey guys so I randomly decided to publish on this book, yeah that's nice. Um anyway so I have a Fallout Preferences book now if you want to check that out. I only have like 3 or 4 published right now but I'm actually working on getting a few more out there currently and will (hopefully) regularly update it.
It include Fallout 3 and 4 characters, companions and fan favorite npc's.

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