Butch DeLoria [𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪]

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"You're a fuckin' tease." He mutters, releasing a huff. Butch was never one to give into the conversation so easily, but it had seemed that you won without even trying, as you had said you would before.

"You get worked up easily." You noted with a wink, going back to what you initially walked into the room for, searching for the Grognak comic you left behind in there.

"Do not!" He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. You would laugh at his pouty expression and puffy cheeks, but his eyes were dark and looming over you with a certain need. That was not a laughing manner. "I don't understand you."

"Maybe I don't want you to understand me." You retort, beaming his interest further. It was no secret to you that the boy had a blossoming crush on you. Even though he tried to often play it off, you could see through his cool act. Only now did he allow his guard down.

"You're not like the other girls, Y/N. You know that yourself." He starts, gaining his confidence back from before. Butch smirked, taking his signature toothpick between his fingers and putting it between his teeth. "So, can I understand you another way, doll?"

"What are you hinting at, DeLoria?" You raise a brow. That comic was the least of your interests now.

"I want to understand that body, baby. You know it." He chuckled lightly, "You called me out for tryin' with my eyes. Maybe you can let me do a little more than just stare."

The DeLoria boy was back to his cocky stance, looking you up and down as he spoke his proposition. You weren't the least bit surprised, or appalled. Truth is, you'd been eying him as well. He could just never tell, unlike you.

"Who said I was letting you stare?" You challenged. This game was becoming too real. You wanted to see how far Butch would go, if he was really interested in taking this further. He moves from the wall he was just leaning on and takes a few steps towards you.

He leaned in closer, putting one hand on the counter behind you and trapping you against it. His lips were inches from yours when he smirked and asked, "Do you want to stop me?"

Your gazes locked in place, neither of you moving from the position you were in. The room seemed to get much quieter, and hotter, since he was very much invading your personal space but you didn't mind it. He still made no effort to lean in again— perhaps, waiting on your consent.

That was all it took. "No, I– I don't want to stop you."

In a quick movement, his free right hand meets your jaw, tangling his fingers in your loose hair, and his lips connected to yours. His lips were soft, and his bottom lip was a bit more plump. They moved in sync with yours, with him pulling you closer to him in each movement.

The two of you separate, both breathing heavily as you caught your breath. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that, baby."

"Don't tell me that's it." You smirk, moving your hands underneath his jacket on his waist and pulling him into you.

He allowed his lips to hover over yours in a teasing manner, grinning at your impatience. "Babygirl, I ain't done with you."

He began to kiss you again as his hands worked at your sides, moving down to get a grip on the back of your thighs. You jump with his hold, being sat on the counter behind you. He takes the opportunity to move in between your legs and grind on you, causing you to moan into the kiss.

"Butch, take me." You broke away from the kiss and whispered out breathlessly, while he continued to kiss the corner of you lips and trailed it down further to your neck.

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now