Mags Black

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As the Overboss, it was stupid to favor one gang over another. Especially if you enjoyed living. But you weren't particularly fond of the gang as is, but mainly their leader, Mags Black. The Operators functioned well, smooth for a gang of Nuka-World, and it was all because of her. That was the main reason you've taken a strong liking to the woman since the moment you met her, even if it upset the other gang bosses.

Unfortunately, where lies loyalty, there also lies betrayal. A man of the Operators spoke out about your attraction towards Mags. At first people believed it to be a rumor, but when the strong blonde woman had him put down, it only made the situation more obvious. You didn't blame her for the action, but wished it was less public.

At the moment, you had Nisha and Mason outside your door with backup, as if they were ready for a fight. You could handle that, you knew it, but you didn't want it to come to that.

The elevator dings, breaking your attention away from the chaos outside the main door to your quarters. Mags steps into the room, keeping her firm composure throughout the madness of the situation. She strides over to you with her certain confidence and the sly grin etched over her features, as though she knew what she was doing here.

The woman doesn't speak a word, but wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you into her embrace. "They will learn to accept it, or we'll make them." She says, matter of fact.

"I favor you. The gang behind you is just a plus." You add, shrugging after hearing Mason's wild hollering and his goons repeating it with animalistic sounds.

"I know." She smirked, taking your hand in hers. "We'll fix this together, Overboss."

With a wink to you, she then nods at Gage to open the double doors. The other two bosses and some of their goons are revealed, dumbfounded looks on their faces as the doors were now opened and revealed the most powerful figure standing beside an enemy gang boss.

"What in the fuck?"

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now