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What the Hell, Nick? You shot the pilot!" Ellis groaned out, rubbing the back of his stiffed neck from the crash.

Just as you thought you had finally escaped from the zombie infested lands, Nick shoots the only helicopter pilot that had managed to come around, while you were all still on it. That resulted in a crash landing in swampy meadows with miles worth of trekking before you could ever be rescued again.

Everyone glared at Nick, waiting for the suited man's explanation of his kill. "He was a zombie, Ellis. He would have killed us all."

The country boy only huffed and climbed into the nearby train cart, grabbing some useful supplies that were left behind. Everyone followed his lead except for Nick.

This causes you to stop and look back with a smug grin, "You're not excluded from the group just because you killed our only shot to get out of this thing." You tell him sarcastically, knowing it would only annoy the man further.

Your grin widens as you successfully caused him to roll his eyes. This was usually how the exchanges went between you and the other survivor. While you could easily get along with Ellis, Rochelle, and Coach, Nick only made himself an easy target for taunting. Which it was better, as he thought the same about you. The teasing would go back and forth before Coach made the two of you cut it out.

"Whatever, sweetheart. If it weren't for me, your ass would be zombie chow right about now." He shrugged and moved passed you with a cocky smirk, "So, where's my thank you?"

"Oh, thank you so much, Nicky! Thank you, for letting us crash in a cold, dirty swamp." You mocked.

"I'm sorry, princess. Maybe next time I'll shoot the pilot over the Bahamas. Would that fit better to your preference?" He matched your sarcasm, though his tone was much harsher. It was covered up by his perfect smile, letting you know not to take any of it to offense.

"Hm, I didn't picture you as a man for the islands." You tsk, "Then again, I didn't think you would last a day in the apocalypse. You continue to prove me wrong, Nicky."

"Stop calling me Nicky. Wa– Wait a minute. You thought that I wouldn't last? What're you, delusional?" The man scoffed.

You smile, walking ahead of him and patting his shoulder on the way. Without looking back, you replied, "Only teasing, Nicky."

He grumbles at your response, but hides the smile creeping onto his face. Nick hated to admit that he enjoyed these types of conversations only with you, of the others in the group. He knew you always had a snarky comeback or something of amusement to say.

The man trips over a pile of– "Shit." He mutters, grossed out by the manure and wiping his distressed formal shoe on the pavement.

Nick looks up only to meet with your curious eyes again. You send a smile his way and wait for him to catch up.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm going to need you to stop being on my mind. You're quite the distraction and it would be a shame to step in... more shit." Nick says in a joking tone, hinted with a chuckle.

"Can't make any promises, Nicky."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now