Robert MacCready

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I didn't know whether Y/N was insane or if she always got that excited over every little pre-war gadget that held some interesting value. But this, she called it a Jeep. And now, this woman expects me to get in it after she twisted a few screws and somehow got it running again.

"Come on, Mac! What's the worst that could happen?" She calls out to me, crawling into the driver's seat and grinning from behind the wheel.

The worst that could happen? She could crash that thing! And we could die, or something!

"Yeah, I'll, uh— I'm going to pass on this one." I bite my lip and hope that she doesn't hear how nervous I am over this. But Y/N was a very observant person, so it was dumb for me to even try. She raised a brow and gave me that dang smirk.

"Oh, but you'll miss all of the fun." As if to indicate what she meant, Y/N revved the engine and caused me to jump slightly at the loud roar it gave off. "I know what it is! You want to drive it, don't you?"

She didn't even give me a chance to object before she climbed over to the passenger seat, patting the empty seat she was previously seated at. Great. I can't just leave her hanging now. She'll never let me live down from this if I give out.

Nervously, I grab the handle above my head and situate myself in the driver's seat, looking to her for instructions because if she didn't realize, I have never done this before!

"Okay babe, so what you're going to do is, keep your foot on the break." She pointed to one of the pedals, to which I held my foot down there and smiled proudly for doing the first step right. "Now, switch gears. D for drive, you know? Simple."

Simple, sure.

I change the gear into drive and release my foot off of the break slowly. My foot hovers over the gas and I give pressure to the plate, causing the vehicle to jerk into action.

"Ohhh, no." I mutter underneath my breath as I had floored it, and couldn't stop for whatever reason. That crazy Y/N didn't do anything to stop me either. She was just laughing!

The longer it went on, the funner– uh, more fun, it turned out to be. I was starting to enjoy the easing ride. The best part of it all, was looking over to her. I watched as the wind brushed through the open windshield and windows, blowing her long hair in all sorts of directions. Her beautiful smile gleamed, then she turned to me and showed off that amazing grin.

"You're a natural, Mac!" She complimented, wrapping her arms around my free arm that was propped on the middle console. Y/N leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder, giving my arm a light squeeze as she got settled. God, this was the cutest sight.

"Where do you want to go, baby?" I asked her, getting a feel of direction behind the wheel. Her wrapped around me only made me feel like much more of a pro than I actually was. A guy could definitely get used to this.

She looks up to me for a moment, smiles, "Why don't we go park somewhere instead? I could show you an old pre-war tradition that was done in the backseat of one of these."

It didn't take but a second or two for the pieces to connect in my dirty mind. A light laugh escaped my lips. Oh yeah, a guy definitely will get used to this.

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