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You've been off all day and Charon could tell. The way you were unmotivated to do any of the promised tasks, or didn't work on upgrading your weapons and gear how you planned to. He found it strange, completely unlike you. And he would know, because he's been traveling with you since you were the newbie of the wasteland, up and coming to the badass you are today.

He watched you become a hard shell, hurt from the wastes and dragged through hell. Yet he has never seen you act out from the pain you bear every single day. Until now, you sat with your back turned to him and a frame in your grasp. Charon couldn't see clearly what it was that you held, but from your white knuckles, he understood it had a deeper meaning to your current state of despair.

A single tear drops from your cheek and onto the picture of you and your father on your tenth birthday, so long ago. But only a year before on this day is when he passed away. You couldn't help but to shut everyone out while you grieved over him, not ever having the time to do so back then. It sinks in when you realize how long it has been since you lost him.

You release a quiet sob, not realizing Charon stood behind you. He leaned on the doorframe and watched silently until he knew that you were crying, then he approached you. His hand grazes over your shoulder and spins you around to face him. That's when he could finally see the photograph you clutched so tightly, and he closed his eyes as if to show his respect for you going through a hard time.

"I'm sorry. We should go, there's a lot to do and—"

"No," Charon cuts you off and sits you back down. He takes a seat beside you and without a word to it, places his hand on top of yours. "You should take this time. You deserve it."

He looks up to meet your glossy red eyes, feeling sympathy for the only person he could manage. "It's been a year. It just hurts so much, knowing he's actually gone." You sniff and look down. Charon gently wipes a tear falling from your cheek, causing you to smile. "At least I have you, though. It's helped a lot, getting through it."

"I didn't know." He tells you honestly.

You squeeze his hand and meet his eyes with a sad smile, "Yeah, I know. Just— thanks for being here."

"There's no where else I'd rather be."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now